In response to digitalmouse
Ah, alright. I thought it was 9.8. Still, the difference between 8 and 9 on the richter scale is a factor of ten. There's a fairly big gap there.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Ah, alright. I thought it was 9.8. Still, the difference between 8 and 9 on the richter scale is a factor of ten. There's a fairly big gap there.

Yes but, it's not the magnitude that's primarily of concern. It's the location of the epicenter. If an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0+ on a large fault could be devastating.
In response to Bronwxjr
what happens when we start to live on multiple worlds... does that mean each individual world has to come to end for the bible to be true, or is it ok if just one does?
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
With respect, can the USA stop polluting?
It's actions and the consequences of global warming (the rest of the world has signed up to Kyoto) is/are screwing up me and my families lives.

Of course when something goes wrong people have to blame the U.S., you act like nobody else in the world deals with production and makes pollution. Get over it. I seriously can't see how you could even add, "With respect", before that, and I must roll my eyes everytime I read/hear someone say an anti-American thing that America had either only a part, a little, or even nothing to do with the problem. Besides, the world was polluted long before Bush became president of the United States of America.
In response to Kusanagi
Blame England.

In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
Elation wrote:
With respect, can the USA stop polluting?
It's actions and the consequences of global warming (the rest of the world has signed up to Kyoto) is/are screwing up me and my families lives.

Of course when something goes wrong people have to blame the U.S., you act like nobody else in the world deals with production and makes pollution. Get over it. I seriously can't see how you could even add, "With respect", before that, and I must roll my eyes everytime I read/hear someone say an anti-American thing that America had either only a part, a little, or even nothing to do with the problem. Besides, the world was polluted long before Bush became president of the United States of America.

The rest of the world are finally doing something about it.
Yeah, sure- we all made mistakes, we all polluted a long time before.

But we didn't know what the fatal consequences would be.

Now we know; Deaths of thousands of species, world hunger and thirst (lack of rain, famine), and drastic freezing/baking temperatures the world over.

And we're trying to do something about it- but the most polluting per capita country in the world still refuses to do anything about it.

What, does Bush have a death wish or something?

Christians are supposed to look over and protect the world, are they not?
I forget the correct name, but God made them effectively the protectors.

Nice one, Bush; you're insulting your own religion and insulting the rest of the world.

I hate to turn it into another political flame-fest, but it really was relevant this time.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
Blame England.


There's a difference between doing wrong and not knowing it than doing wrong with full knowledge of your crime.
In response to Elation
I'm ashamed to be an American :-(. I've always wanted to be German..
In response to Artekia
Artekia wrote:
I'm ashamed to be an American :-(. I've always wanted to be German..

I wish I could be Japanese, aside from the fact that they have POOR health care.
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
what happens when we start to live on multiple worlds... does that mean each individual world has to come to end for the bible to be true, or is it ok if just one does?

I think lots of people realised that maybe the Bible was telling some porkies when we realised that the Earth wasn't the centre of the universe.

Anyway, living on other planets...I don't think it'll ever be done.
The best use for other planets is for mining- maybe Venus could be augmented to be habitable.
And going outside the solar system? Impossible.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
[giant snip]And going outside the solar system? Impossible.

Isn't that what people said about going on the moon? :p
In response to Elation
The USA knows what is going on. You do know there are several pollution emission acts to help some of this, right? He only pointed out the simple fact that people jump on the bandwagon to blame the bigger country/person for what they do when they are no better. I hoped Bush hadn't gotten into office but the world didn't turn from fine to polluted in 5 years. Almost veryone plays a role in pollution, pointing fingers is just wrong(unless you live in a 3rd war country or something).
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
Elation wrote:
[giant snip]And going outside the solar system? Impossible.

Isn't that what people said about going on the moon? :p

Yeah, and they thought it was made from cheese too. :p

No, it's different this time. Before, they didn't know what it would take to get up to the moon. We know what it takes to get out of the solar system.

The diagrams you see are inaccurate- Saturn is around 4 times as far away from the sun as Jupiter is.

The solar system actually goes on about 500 times further than Pluto. I think more. (I could be incorrect- but I am right in saying that it is at least more than 500. It's a long way).

And then you have this feild of asteroids and rocks (would be comets) moving at 200 miles per hour in the way, that goes on for a long time.

And then once you do make it, some weird magnetic fields and 1337 cosmic rays will own you so bad you'll never have kids again. Or breathe.
In response to Elation
Trust me, they'll find a way... :p
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
The USA knows what is going on. You do know there are several pollution emission acts to help some of this, right?
He only pointed out the simple fact that people jump on the bandwagon to blame the bigger country/person for what they do when they are no better.

The US should do more. It's the richest, strongest nation by a LONG way in the world.
The US practically rules the world. It has a responsibility.
It should be giving money to Russia to help Russia buy clean factories and generators.
It should be donating money and setting up funds, it has a responsibility to fix the world now it's broken.

I hoped Bush hadn't gotten into office but the world didn't turn from fine to polluted in 5 years. Almost veryone plays a role in pollution, pointing fingers is just wrong(unless you live in a 3rd war country or something).

In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
Trust me, they'll find a way... :p

Local job advertisement:

In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
The USA knows what is going on. You do know there are several pollution emission acts to help some of this, right?
He only pointed out the simple fact that people jump on the bandwagon to blame the bigger country/person for what they do when they are no better.

The US should do more. It's the richest, strongest nation by a LONG way in the world.

Neer, wrong again. Though we may look it, we're really not. This has been discussed again

The US practically rules the world. It has a responsibility.

"Beggars cant be choosers" The US brought it on themselves, they help where they can. That doesn't mean the other countries should come to expect the help.

It should be giving money to Russia to help Russia buy clean factories and generators.

Once again, beggars can't be choosers.

It should be donating money and setting up funds, it has a responsibility to fix the world now it's broken.

Yes, but no other country should; right?

I hoped Bush hadn't gotten into office but the world didn't turn from fine to polluted in 5 years. Almost veryone plays a role in pollution, pointing fingers is just wrong(unless you live in a 3rd war country or something).


Where do you live? Chances are your country is just as much at fault as mine. The only difference is you think because we help other people it is now our responsibility to do so.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
Elation wrote:
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
The USA knows what is going on. You do know there are several pollution emission acts to help some of this, right?
He only pointed out the simple fact that people jump on the bandwagon to blame the bigger country/person for what they do when they are no better.

The US should do more. It's the richest, strongest nation by a LONG way in the world.

Neer, wrong again. Though we may look it, we're really not. This has been discussed again

Pah, You* spend 140 million dollars in Iraq every day. Why can't that cash go to stopping the entire world dying instead?
The US is rich. Don't try and pretend it isn't.
Sure, you may have big gaps in the social classes, but that's capitalism for you; you're still damn rich.

*The US

The US practically rules the world. It has a responsibility.

"Beggars cant be choosers" The US brought it on themselves, they help where they can. That doesn't mean the other countries should come to expect the help.

Why not?

It should be giving money to Russia to help Russia buy clean factories and generators.

Once again, beggars can't be choosers.

Can't you just give *some* cash? The Russians and Americans are friends really. Sort of. :/

It should be donating money and setting up funds, it has a responsibility to fix the world now it's broken.

Yes, but no other country should; right?


We already are, anyway. We signed up for Kyoto and all the other measures. That's what this whole thing is about; America refusing to conform.

I hoped Bush hadn't gotten into office but the world didn't turn from fine to polluted in 5 years. Almost veryone plays a role in pollution, pointing fingers is just wrong(unless you live in a 3rd war country or something).


Where do you live? Chances are your country is just as much at fault as mine. The only difference is you think because we help other people it is now our responsibility to do so.

England, but we don't pollute as much as the US does, even if our sizes were relative.
It is your responsibility to do so, 'cause you're America.
You play God with the middle-east and everywhere else, so look after your toys when they get broken.
In response to Elation
"Why?" to most of the questions is getting quite annoying. How much does England import from the US? If countries are paying another country to pollute it gives one incentive to do so. You are basically saying the world is the United States' responsibility. The world is the world's responsibility. Everyone is equally shared to help one another. The United States, once again, looks rich. It has been discussed in the forums again, just look it up. I don't feel like looking it up myself and retyping all of everyone's points. Also, if your going to ask the question; I can too. Why? Why should the world be the United States' responsibility? Since we have a healthier economy? Balderdash.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
"Why?" to most of the questions is getting quite annoying. How much does England import from the US? If countries are paying another country to pollute it gives one incentive to do so. You are basically saying the world is the United States' responsibility. The world is the world's responsibility. Everyone is equally shared to help one another. The United States, once again, looks rich. It has been discussed in the forums again, just look it up. I don't feel like looking it up myself and retyping all of everyone's points. Also, if your going to ask the question; I can too. Why? Why should the world be the United States' responsibility? Since we have a healthier economy? Balderdash.

Of course it's our responsibility, That's why we cut down on pollution and don't wreck the environment, we recycle and have many schemes for cleaner industry.
The US seems incapable of this.

Why can't the US join in and try and save the environment?
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