In response to DarkView
Darkview is a posing liar. :P

Just kidding.

But if you've cut then you wouldn't be going against us just because "You think". Cutters know what it feels like, and normal people wouldn't know anything about it. So, yes, you aren't qualified to say "They shouldn't do it". You can advise someone to get help, but you can never force someone to do what you want with their body.
In response to Masterdan
Masterdan wrote:
im saying, theres no need for people to be depressed at this rate, teen suicide is way to high. Things are good in north american, this trend is very unhealthy and stupid. End it for christ sake.

Then you obviously are too filled with your own happiness to understand that there will always be depression and death in the world, no matter what anyone does. Peace keepers included. If anything, peace protesters make it worse by talking about it, and i think we do too. We should just end the topic now, everyone has too many judgements, assumptions, and opinions on the matter,

Case closed.
In response to Covering Fire
Most people don't. Most people just sit around and stick clsoe to their religions and ignore whoever else is out there. Everyone thinks something that is different then what they think is Evil. There is no evil in the world, just Hate.
In response to JordanUl
JordanUl wrote:
The majority of my friends wouldn't be considered "goth" so to say. They are in the Emo category, quite possibly worse. They aren't being unique or creative. They are doing it because the music they listen to tells them to. The books they read tell them to. They do it for attention. I hate it, but I'm still their friend.

You think people hate goths? No people hate what goths think the stand for. They should pick up a dictionary sometime and get some definitions on the words they base their culture on. The non-conformist attitude they think they uphold is a joke. AT LEAST 2/3 of the kids at my school dress the same way they do, and they don't even listen to the music or read michael moore books. They did it to follow the trend. Now these kids have got themselves in a pickle. Maybe they should act like everybody used to before goth came along, maybe then they would be different again.

First, just to let you're little undeveloped brain know, anyone that thinks they're "Goth" and ravagly listen to "Emo" at the same time shouldn't be alive. Emo is for the preppy girls, and gays. :P

BTW: I think you should pick up a book and stop trying to be cool on the internet.
If you made it through it, and faced your pain, you wouldn't be so arrogant to people sharing the same pain.

You're a liar, that, or you're just plain rude.

If someone doesn't have the ability to help themselves, another human being is a good thing. But sometimes not everyone can help themselves, and that's where depression, anger, sadness, and cutting come from. When you feel so alone, steel is your only friend. If you can't understand the other side of the story, then stop trying to tell it.

(This goes to all of you, not just Kholint.)
In response to Covering Fire
Insulting someone at school can easily cause major depression in several episodes over the rest of their school life. Next time someone tells another person that they're useless, ignorant, and stupid, they should think first. Words can hurt a lot more then sticks and stones.

Your body can heal, but you're mind takes a lot longer. If you don't ahve the ability to understand that you aren't any of the things that people are insulting you for, then you may get over it, but most people don't.
Um, I do not know where the "Edit" button is. Honestly. I have never seen it before. I think mine must have ran away or something (but seriously, where is it)?
In response to Covering Fire
Yes Covering Fire, I have cut myself. Plenty of times, not on purpose, though. It happens on the rarest of times when I am cutting a bagel and the knife slips and cuts through my skin. And yes, I know how it feels, seeing as to what I have just said. And no, I do not know why I would do it. I would never do it again and try to prevent it as much as possible. It stings.
In response to GokuDBZ3128

EDIT YOUR POSTS!!11111111111111111111111


Anyway, I think that, yes, we should all stop spilling blood- next time, take "steely" to the neck, for good.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Once I was taking a machete out of it's sheathe and it cut straight across my palm!

I was like "OH MY GOD"

The pain felt goooooooooooooood.
I do not have an "Edit Your Posts" or whatever....
In response to GokuDBZ3128
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
I do not have an "Edit Your Posts" or whatever....

Why not?
No idea, just don't. I've never had one, it's always made me curious.
In response to Kagayaku Kami
Kagayaku Kami wrote:
First, just to let you're little undeveloped brain know, anyone that thinks they're "Goth" and ravagly listen to "Emo" at the same time shouldn't be alive. Emo is for the preppy girls, and gays. :P

BTW: I think you should pick up a book and stop trying to be cool on the internet.

I think it would be best to not insult someone for having a conception that you believe is false, especially when you come out with an even worse one which I know people would find more offensive than the one you insulted someone over.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Hmmm... apparently your sarcasm is amazing cause you don't cut yourself over depression. If you had the mentle condition my friend has then you could talk about cutting yourself i know it is the same Physical condition but when your mental state is fixated that it makes you feel better, you convince yourself it does. For example why are some people annorexic or bulemic to me or you it seems wrong but to them it seems like the right thing to do. >.>
In response to Covering Fire
Covering Fire wrote:
though I know she isn't doing it for attention because lets face it who would want attention from me?

Because any attention is better then no attention?
In response to DarkView
I was being a little bit sarcastic there. What i really meant was that she doesn't seem like she was a wanabee she did it before I was her friend. Also I found out she cut after like 5 months of being her friend so it evidently wasnt that. She has been cutting for a long time.
In response to Kagayaku Kami
Right so your angry because people 'hate goths' and you just went ahead and said the Emo's shouldn't be alive. Hmm. I see you know what your talking about. Unlike me of course.

I should pick up a book and stop trying to look cool on the internet? What does the book have anything to do with this? And what makes you think I'm trying to look cool?
This should be bashed to hell soon.
In response to Kagayaku Kami
I notice you responded to my post without actually addressing what I said in it except the passing mention of "support groups."

That's funny, since I completely shot down your "You people can't talk about it!" argument and you declined the chance to refute it... so I guess you're going to stop telling people that BS about how if they haven't cut themselves, they can't talk about it in certain ways, right?
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