Thats right And all though this message might be deleted and me banned from byond I have to let other byonders know. I have found out dantom's evil plot! "As a publisher of worlds, we seek only one asset. It is the most high-tech, complex piece of electro-chemical machinery in the known universe. You guessed it: we are after brains. "

AHHH my brain! thats right hes taking ur brain run like hell!
You are too late, as they already have ours. I do believe you are the last one left, so we have orders to subdue you and bring you into the fold.
In response to Loduwijk
wait a second... I had a brain?

Has it been so long?

Oh well... hey it's almost Sulma time!
In response to Loduwijk
Ill get the clubs, you get the hatchet!