I have always been fascinated with aliens. And yes, I do believe in them, depsite what anyone may think. Jon Snow, I have never heard that theory about their flying saucerer being time machines and all, but...that is very, very interesting. If aliens do exist, then, that would sound reasonable, but I don't see how you can actually go back in time. I mean...going back in time? I can't even describe in words of how impossible that sounds, but, what you said really was interesting.
I don't think aliens are humans millions of years from now. If they "are" then it would possibly be billions of years. Millions of years just seem to short for humans to transform into that physical appearance. Come to think of it, they can't even speak a human language (languages we speak nowadays) from what we know....And they're too skinny, I mean, if anything, humans are getting fatter (a majority of them). The reason for what I said is because everything we invent nowadays is to help us do things easier, and without being active. So, if it is that far into the future, I don't think we'd even have to get up anymore to do anything. Just sit down, say something, and a robot appears or something, I don't know.
I read an article about scientists thinking they found an "alien home planet" and showed a picture of some very, very weird shaped thingy in space. I said "thingy" cause I have no idea what the heck it was. I was like "cool!" But the fact is, I "think" it would be cool to see an alien, but if I ever saw one, I'd probably freak out and wish I never did. Especially after seeing the movie "Mars Attacks". Lol.
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
I have always been fascinated with aliens. And yes, I do believe in them, depsite what anyone may think. I saw an alien flying saucer once. Infact, I was the ONLY one who saw it. |
You might want to read that. Pretty amazing. Not completely AI based, but a pretty cool shortcut. |
*See Arnold Swarchenegger kick down the door holding two shotguns.*