Uhh does any one know if their are any martial arts tournaments happening any time soon? "CARATY CHOP!"

I don't know if that actually has anything you want.

Maybe it turns out to be a porn site.

But at least it'll be a more appropriate place to ask that question than here.
There is the Surrey Millenium League Final Ronud this weekend...or maybe next weekend. Judokas only though =P

I'd say your best bet is to find somewhere local that teaches Karate and ask someone there. They'll at least be able to point you to the right place to ask.
Probably depends on which country/city you live in, unless you're looking for a World Martial Arts Tournament, of which i know nothing of.
Yeah, I'm going to one on October 10th. Of course, it's in a small town in NY, so I doubt you could make it =P

But usually my school tells us when there will be larger tournaments, like Nationals and such. I haven't heard anything recently.