Aug 2 2005, 12:01 pm
Indeed! The best attacking is darting around trying to click at the right time without getting hit yourself! (At least BYONDwise)
"The new Seika II will have advanced AI mobs which allow them to randomly dart around you"
Hmmmm....Sounds fun =) |
The new Seika II will have advanced AI mobs which allow them to randomly dart around you
Are you saying that "randomly darting around [the user]" is "advanced AI?" =P |
It was just an example of part of the advanced AI. And yes, it is advanced in BYOND terms.
And yes, it is advanced in BYOND terms.
Well, no, it isn't. Under any terms, randomly darting around the user doesn't really even qualify as AI, let alone "advanced" AI. |
Hey, advanced or not, it's gotta be more fun than sitting there clicking "attack" over and over again.
Your AI system sounds like the House of Morte's AI system. And no, that is not advanced AI. In an RPG, it CAN be decent AI as long as every single mob in the entire world doesn't do that (It would be alright for brainless creatures charging you and such).
Make sure they make decisions, and make sure it's interesting to people to fight them. Make them help out others of their species, make them run when hurt, if they are a person, make them try to use strategy against the person to defeat them. When I worked on my old, crumby RPG "Fenris's Apocalypse", I found that unique abilities to certain monsters made a world of difference. I had a "god" who would spray streams of acid, and you'd have to actually dodge the acid, and he would cough up clouds of poison that you would have to avoid. He would then raise undead around him, and you'd have to worry about them as well, and he would split into two: a fake one of himself and a real one of himself. The fake version was an easy kill but was just as strong. Making their battles epic like this is something players really like. Also, for an example of advanced AI, look at lummox's Scream of the Stickster. There are many, MANY games that far surpass your idea in "advancedness", even some RPGs. |
We have our "Super Smart" AI saved for Seika III (the old Seika II). But the new Seika II will have decent AI. The old Seika II did have mobs that helped eachother and ran away and such, and it was only 8% done. The new Seika II will have decent AI, but the old Seika II (Seika III) will have the best and most realistic possible.
Nobody has said it on here yet, but people have said it before, "Why make sequels to online RPGs?" Well, for one, the new game mostly has a different gameplay and the creators want to allow the old fans to keep that old gameplay. For two, the developers learn a lot of things as they work on the old one and can do better next time, so they start a new one. For three, they get new ideas and want to implement them in but don't want to change the gameplay of the old game. For four, they want to continue the story. I'll admit, the first Seika did not have an ingame story, but Seika II and beyond will. So making sequels allows people to play in the changing world. |