Ok I'm making a icon game, just tell me if these are taken or not:

Icon Chaos
Icon Havok
Icon Wars
Icon Battles
Icon Destruction
Icon Struggles

Tell me so i can start to think up other names if they are taken(plz dont take them if you see them here)nvm, i dont really care.....
They're all outrageously stupid.

You'd be lucky if any of them weren't taken.
All these names seem to represent violence, but I personally don't see how icon trading games are the least bit violent.
Really, do you need to have a pathetic ending to your icon game? Why not just call it "Icon Trading" because that's all it is.
The only way I would like any of those names is if you were to allow players to paste their own icons onto npc's and watch the npc's beat the living hell out of eachother.
I like "Completely Generic Icon Trading Game" more. Or maybe just plain ol' "IconTradingGame", and you can have it come with a map and char editor too. (Ooh, ooh, and "Icon Seeker Classic"!)
Ah, what about... Mecha Destroyer JD's AWESOME iCoN TraDING GAME!!1!!ONE!1!?! (100% Origional with no Zeta Codez)...

That seems to be the safest rout.
Those names... are... lol

In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Really, do you need to have a pathetic ending to your icon game? Why not just call it "Icon Trading" because that's all it is.

In a thread that appears to be a victim of the forum monster, I told Mecha Destroyer JD to use less generic names so he would be less likely to run into conflicts with other people's projects. There was a conflict with a different project recently and now he may be trying to be careful.
In response to ACWraith
I doubt it though. Those are actually generic names for icon trading games. Do a quick hub search for 'icon trading' and take a look at some of the names you come up with.

Icon Fury by TempUnlimited
Icon Trading 3 The Worlds End by Itazmanian
Extreme Icon Trading by SSJ2Trunks9981
**Icon Trading Xtreme** by BOBO Killer
Icon Destiny by Ghostofthematrix
Icon Duel by Link Casko

And that's just from the first page. Totally irrelevant names are the hit thing, I suppose.
As kindly as this can possibly ever be, let me ask a question: WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF AN "ICON" GAME? I mean, it's pretty useless. If I wanted to show off my graphics, there's a number of other ways to do it. 'Icon' games are usually filled with morons anyway, so why not use a website? Bwicki would be usefull for it! Besides, this is turning into Pokemon. "Gotta catch 'em all!":"GIMME UR ICONS! I WANT TO BE THE MASTER ICONER!". Pretty sad if you ask me, why not do something more productive? There are all ready many 'icon' games out in the wilderness of the hub, don't you see that they're crap and unplayed? What makes you think yours won't be the same? Is it because there will be a "Marrige" verb!?

(Tried my best to make it "non-deletable-worthy" digi)
In response to HavenMaster
The names in particular might not be useful, but finding that out was the point of the thread.

My point was that the guy goes off on something ([link], [link]) and then searches through some Garthor-inspired flames to be told that it was partially his fault and there are ways to avoid the problem. He then makes an effort to avoid the problem in the next project... and gets slapped for it.
In response to ACWraith
Even so, what's the point of that? The search box up above is very handy for finding out if a name is already taken. Why would you ask in the developer forum? Not many developers play icon trading games.
In response to HavenMaster
I think he should have used the search box too and I should have suggested it in my first post. However, it's possible that Mech Destroyer JD was not aware of the search capabilities. Alternatively, he could have known that things can be hidden and was making a shot in the dark. Perhaps he even knew about the tool, forgot to use it, and needed a friendly reminder.

It just seems that, at this point, the knowledge is being handed out like steak served on a trash can lid. (I grew up on Bill Cosby. *shrug* )

Anywho, since I told the guy to make more of an effort avoiding common phrases, I couldn't very well let him burn for it, now could I? =)
In response to ACWraith
You never know until you try. ;-)
In response to ACWraith
The best way to come up with a name for your game is to get a random word generator, use it until something you like pops out, search for it on Google, and if nothing shows up, you're in the clear.