Jul 21 2004, 11:44 pm
It's a promotion that AdultSwim has going on. You have the chance to win some Nintendo stuff and Aqua Teen merchandise. Go to to free him. Spread the word! He must taste freedom!
Jul 22 2004, 6:55 am
AT:HF is teh coolest show ever! It's hillarious. Who's your favorite character? *Meatwad*
In response to Airjoe
He gets the hunnies G... :-p
In response to Airjoe
Frylock is cool, I like him.
In response to Airjoe
I like Brak and Harvey Birdman better but ATHF is great too. Frylock is great.
I don't think I can enter the contest, but at least I got to see that ATHF season one is out on DVD. |
In response to DarkView
Season 2 is coming :P or is out.
In response to Kujila
That sucks, I didn't think Adult Swim's site wouldn't accept Mozilla :/
That website is going to kill some poor, epileptic soul.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
was out 07/20/04, my friend was counting the days(and yes, he has no life)
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
was out 07/20/04, my friend was counting the days(and yes, he has no life) Hey, you can still have a life and love the show to that extent. I used to run home from the pub on Friday nights, watch Brak, then run back before the door closes. Oh, and it's a 40 minute walk to the pub from my house. =P |