In response to Jon Snow
My worst nightmares change, and I'll explain why in a second..

My current worst nightmare is of being eaten alive by zombies. Big piles of them, ripping out my cuts, ripping off my flesh, terrible.

Ok, second of all, why my worst nightmares change is weird, like a few of you mentioned. Im a avid lucid dreamer. Ive been doing dreaming journals, Ive tried a few of those "triggering" cds where you play them and its suposed to trigger lucide dreaming.

Anyways, I don't know how alike everyones Lucid dreaming is, but mine have certian rules that apply, theres some basics that people have made (but since they are dreams they are not set in stone) text dosent make sense, doors are often locked, lights usually dont work. Mine piticularly is dark corners and rooms are very dangerous and swearing is prohibited.

Think of it a little like that movie "Little Nemo Dream Master".. While lucid dreaming your free to wander, but you can easily walk into nightmare terrotirty.

Anyways, after while, Ive seemed to almost develope ways *around* nightmares. My biggest ones where ghosts, after that it moved to dogs (I dont like dogs, and Chogo scared the hell out of me) and now its zombies.
In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
Pagemasta wrote:
.ut then something happened to me all of a sudden i realized i was "IN" the dream.I thought to myself "It wasnt a nightmare in a scary dimension" but a conflict with *humans* in a beautiful sunny day, besides nothing can hurt me because i am Safe & Sound in my bed sleeping. So i took advantage of this and instead of excaping i made fun of the bully and threw rocks at him(told my friends to do it too),...

Lucid Dreaming is pretty cool, eh? :D Pretty un-forgettable, too.

yeah thats awsome, I wana buy there mask thing, So where I can see gold and white lights while I have my nightmares >< But anyway, whomever made the post about the dark spirits, You might be like possessed >.>;
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
Mine would have had to have been when I was around 10 years old, I don't really remember what I did, or what got my mind started on the train of thought, but I was looking out the window, over a large field, or plains (nothing like that around my house.) and the wind started to pick up, the sky started getting dark, and then I heard a really wierd sound, how many of you had heard the sound that a Bola makes when it starts spinning real fast? Next thing I knew I saw a tornado touch down, and it started speeding towards my house, when I woke up I was sweating really bad, and I was terrified and shaking, needless to say, I have a big fear of tornadoes. Then just recently I had another nightmare like that, only it happened at a location I pass everyday, this time I was at the Bonney Lake P&R, and I was walking my little brothers home, when I looked up, the sky was getting dark again, the wind picked up, and I heard that noise, then I saw, it was almost directly overhead, I ran towards a semi-truck that was luckily passing by, then I remembered my brothers, but it was too late, I "re-did" the dream 3 times without waking up in-between, and in hthe re-dos I tried to pull my little brothers along with me, but I ended up gettig sucked up as well, I think I may have been vaugley aware that it was a dream, but I still couldn't control anything, and so the dream re-played itself over and over with different endings each time.

Meh, you guys that can realize your dreaming, and alter the dream are lucky, I'll have to try a few things that were on that website so I can start to try and control my dreams/nightmares.
In response to Kusanagi
I hate when you have one of those really good dreams and you wake up and you wanna fall asleep to have them again.
For Example: you have a dream you're with 10 girls and they're all on top of you, and they are all girls you know. Then you actually fell them and stuff like that in the dream, but you wake up and you're by yourself in your bed...
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
Arcanedragon_2004 wrote:
Oh, and not that it matters, and its not a nightmare, but I have had sex with 7 different girls consecutivly. In a dream, ofcourse... is that normal?

It depends,were they hot?,Did you have wet dreams when you woke up?, Did you m.b. or something after?. >.>'

P.S. Why are so many of you afraid of unrealistic things like zombies,ghosts(a little real), and aliens?( well they are real but not in this time early time period of 2004).When i was a kid i was actually afraid of things that were said to be true like the "chupocavita"(miss-spelled??)<font color = blue>(a mutated huge bat thats said to live in the carverns of Puertio Rico, it comes out to suck the blood of cows/animals and sometimes attacks humans,however' it regenerates all the damages from its encounters' when it hides [over months] in its caverns)[post a photo if you have one]</font color = blue> or the "Jersy Devil"<font color = red>(an over 200 year old half human/devil/demon-thingy [that was said to be cursed by a woman who had 13 children this being her 13th, they said at birth this winged beast flew out of the window]who now haunts some forest in New Jersey [post a photo if you have one])</font color = red>

And the funny thing is...i live in massachusetts =p.
My worst dream ...

I was riding a train to go to some state, which I forgot, anyways, I was riding, and riding, and more riding until a bright light came into the sky. A nuclear bomb just went off, and for some reason I started hearing horrifying screams. Screams ... screams in the deep, and all of a sudden, more nukes came, utterly obliterating everything. All of a sudden I could feel my own flesh rotting, almost peeling off, and then the next thing you know I blacked out.

I didn't know whether I was alive or dead, but until I felt the ground lift beneath me. Yep, you guessed it, I was going to hell. Pretty much for here on then I got tortured, and mutilated. And then, as much as you know, I woke up in a cold sweat, and it was raining pretty hard along with some thundering ... I was all alone in my household. I ended up locking my door, with both of my dogs right beside me and with the rifle my dad "never told me to touch".

Heck, being at only 11 years old, I was traumitized.
In response to Nyck
For Example: you have a dream you're with 10 girls and they're all on top of you, and they are all girls you know.

Better yet would be a dream featuring just one really good one.
In response to Gughunter
You're so old fashioned, Guy.
In response to HavenMaster
Are you saying, in this case, that old fashioned would be bad?
In response to Kunark
Heh. I just had another sniper nightmare last night. I think I am subconsiously afraid of snipers. This one was kind of funny and had a happy ending though.
In response to Kunark
Eh, One nightmare that sticks in my head, and the oldest one I can remember is when a werewolf got into my house. He/It killed everyone in my house, and I was hiding behind a recliner, while the lights flickered and I heard him growling and from another view watch him come down the hall while I was in view behind the recliner. I either woke up right after that, or thats all I can remember.

Although I have had a dream about something and woke up in pain from my body movements from the dream. It was maybe a month ago. I went up in the mountains in a International Scout, All-Wheel drive, and we were driving up really steep hills/mountains, and put the truck totally vertical. I had a dream I was trying to get the truck at a perfect angle, and I guess my body was moving with the dream, so when I woke up my body was all twisted in some abnormal position, and I was just in pain from how I was twisted in my sleep. Pretty sure it was the dream to because I remember rocking back and forth and jerking the steering wheel in the dream. By the way Kunark, I considered being a professional sniper as a career ;)
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