I need a free program for OSX (10.2.8) that can make text images. It needs a tool to put text in and then I want to edit it for website banners, titles, ect...

[edit]I guess I wasn't clear. Does anyone have a recommendation of a program that can do this. For now, I have been using 's logo genorator.
try these:

and hunt down MosASCII - it does ASCII graphics in color too! (It's been discontinued, but the author has given away the registration code, and some sites still have it available for download if you look hard enough)
Did the machine come with GraphicConverter installed? Mine did, and I use that on occasion when I want a text image using an OSX-only font. After creating a basic text image, I then edit it the rest of the way in Gimp. Unfortunately Gimp isn't terribly easy to install unless you know your way around the Unix side of OS X. If you do (or want a challenge), try installing it via Fink.
In response to Mike H
I tried the gimp, but I just wasn't up for downloading some X11 thing...