Just curious, is BYOND pronounced more like "beyond" or "bond" or something else entirely?

~Officer Falcon
I say By-ond...
Officer Falcon wrote:
Just curious, is BYOND pronounced more like "beyond" or "bond" or something else entirely?

"Pronunciation", but "pronounced". ;-)

In any case, it is intended to be "beyond". That's why there are all of the dangling "BYOND" uses all over the place. It's not just "Welcome BYOND!", it's "Welcome beyond!".
It is pronounced "fish."
In response to Hedgemistress
No,'re thinking of "GHOTI"...

"GH" as in "cough", "O" as in "women", and "TI" as in "nation"...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Yeah, it's too bad you can't just mix-and-match sounds like that.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
No, I'm thinking of BYOND. I'll break it down for you:

BYO pronounced "f", as in "BYOND".... "n" prounced "i" like in "BYOND", and "D" pronounced "sh" like in "BYOND".
I pronounce it like BOND only with a Y between the B and the O, like Beyond, but with effort in it to NOT sound out the E
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Yeah, it's too bad you can't just mix-and-match sounds like that.

Why not? The people responsible for cough, women, and nation did. ;)

I pronounce BYOND as "Weeeeeee!" much to the annoyance of anyone in the room at the time.
It's pronounced however you want to pronounce it.
In response to Kusanagi
If you want to know how to pronounce something, go to speech in your control panel and put in "Byond" You will get beyond :P OR you can just look at the stuff that says B(e)yond >.>