...Last I checked, the RIAA was busting users who shared tons of music... Not users who -just- downloaded and didnt share a thing (like me)... Personally, I dont like the idea of people downloading crap from my machine, unless its a BYOND game that I'm hosting. I don't use it anymore because the biggest frootcakes in Spyware (GAIN) started sponsoring them and they practically stuffed my computer like a Thanksgiving bird with spyware... I just formatted my HDD a few days ago, you wouldn't believe the lack of spyware, LOL.
In response to Garthor
I can't remember who said that a good law is a law that is agreed by everyone to be a good law and doesn't allow a person to make a morally bad decision and get away with it... but I think he's right :) hehe
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
SSJ4_Gohan_Majin wrote:
Yes, everyone knows Kazaa is illegal. But people have found a way to not get caught. It's like saying "Screw the RIAA, let me download 200 gigs of music!".

Kazaa is not illegal! If it was then it would've been shut down long ago, it's the people using Kazaa! Have you never read their terms and agreements? Try using some common sense, if a popular program like Kazaa was "illegal" it would've been shutdown long, long ago. It's the users uploading, it's the users downloading, it's the users in general, not Kazaa.

In response to Jon Snow
So beating up black people is a bad law?

In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
So beating up black people is a bad law?


It's not a law.
In response to Jon88
It is around here...the south that is.

I'm sorry for the redneck joke, I just know to many racist rednecks.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Downloading music leads to crappier music. Crappier music leads to people downloading more music. Good job ruining your own enjoyment.

The music was crappy before people started stealing it.
In response to Critical
He is just using common sense, I hope it doesn't have to be spelled out. If you can't find any kind of music to relate to, then I feel sorry for you anyhow.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
Im not sayings its all crappy, but most of it is, manafactured crap like britney spears and guy sebastian.
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