Anyone know of a decent banner maker where you can choose the backround and the text? I tried crecon, but it only last for the 30 seconds. I would appreciate if you told me.


-Kappa the Imp
I just use Photoshop with anything graphic related. Works awesome if you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, I don't make very good banners, so I'm assuming I don't know what I'm doing! :-D

In response to Jerico2day
Well, I'm mainly looking for a banner generator the gives the HTML code when im done, so I can put it on my webpage.

-Kappa the Imp
In response to Kappa the Imp
I used to use crecon. After I was done, I right-clicked the banner, went to properties, and copied the url, and on my webpage I put:

<img src="url here"</a>

And what you said is true, it disspears in a certain amount of time.
In response to Kappa the Imp
You do know that a picture file must be uploaded to a webserver of some sort before you attempt to produce a workable url? Trying to use something like "img src=C:\mylogo.jpg" will lead to disaster,... or, it could lead to your banner not displaying. :)

In response to Kujila
oh but it will display, on his own machine only:p
In response to Jerico2day
I've been looking for a banner generator for about a year now. But never any luck! :(

-Kappa the Imp
In response to Kappa the Imp
Just get some nice image creation program, such as the gimp, mentioned earlier. Then make a banner. The GIMP, I believe has a few built in tools for that.