I was just wondering why people on byond claim they have the best game, yet they haven't taken the time to actually check out their competition? Is it some kind of mental impairment?

I was looking through the hub and noticed that not only DBZ but RPG and MUD's also claim their the "Best"

Heres an example:

"DragonballZ The New Begining by Dbztnb Staff [1 game, 1 player]
DragonballZ The New Begining~~Best Dbz game on byond~~"

This is rediculous, and as many others have i have decided to start a rating system for byond. I will include a full list of all the games and specific ratings and descriptions/performance on a site that i will build. All i need are raters, If anyone is intrested for rating (And can stand it) please talk to me as i will fill you in with the details if you do so. Does anyone agree with what i am saying and also what i am doing? Please comment.
I also have a "rating"/unofficial reviewing website. However, I exclude all games that aren't accepted into a channel. Makes it so much easier :-)
In response to Airjoe
I have to ask, Why are you using free webs? -.-;
It's a matter of advertising laws, with regard to truth in advertising and product parity. If they were to claim that their game were "better" than a particular other game, they would be making a claim that is verifiable (or deniable) through market research, so in order for their advertisement to be truthful (and hold up in court), they would need to qualify it somehow... "According to JD Power & Associates," for instance, or "In a recent survery of periodontists..."

On the other hand, for a so-called "parity product", where one product is more or less the same as another (pencils, for instance, or razor blades, or DBZ rips) and the only difference is an inherently unquantifiable matter of opinion, anyone can legally make the claim to be "the best", with or without any data to back it up... all things being equal, any and every product is "the best".

So if I say my faceless DBZ rip is "the best", it's technically true in that no one else's is quantifiably better. If I say my faceless DBZ rip is better than yours, I have cast dispersions upon your product that I can't prove and could be held accountable for my statements in court.
In response to Hedgemistress
That or they are just trying to get people to play their game.
Although at least now I understand how they can get away with being "The number one smash hit new Comedy". I mean every single new show is a "rated number one in the US" or "best new series of the year". Even the shows you know flopped they try and convince you are "the best".
However it is pretty amusing when they play two ads back to back and give them the same title.
In response to DarkView
No, no "rated number one" is a verifiable claim, you can't say that you're rated number one unless someone has rated you as such... of course, it's an easy enough matter to get somebody to rate you as number one since they get their name on TV for doing so.

That didn't stop Sony Pictures from paying a guy to hype A Knight's Tale and other movies... their problem was they attributed his quotes to fake articles in real newspapers, and the actual movie critics for those papers, predictably, objected.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
That didn't stop Sony Pictures from paying a guy to hype A Knight's Tale and other movies... their problem was they attributed his quotes to fake articles in real newspapers, and the actual movie critics for those papers, predictably, objected.

While I enjoyed the movie Master & Commander (got me to pick up the first book in the series and a companion volume), I was bemused by the commercial that touted:

"The number one the heart of critics and the public!"

They migh as well have said:

"The number one movie...because we're closing our eyes and wishing real hard!"
In response to Deadron
I don't know, POTCTCOTBP seemed to enjoy both critical and popular acclaim. I suspect we're going to see a lot more naval exposure in the near future...
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
I don't know, POTCTCOTBP seemed to enjoy both critical and popular acclaim. I suspect we're going to see a lot more naval exposure in the near future...

Thats the longest acronym I have ever seen.
In response to Jotdaniel
Thank you. With POTCTCOTBP, OUATIM, MACTFSOTW, and now LOTRTROTK, this year has been a landmark year for movies whose acronyns are longer than most people's first names.
In response to Karasu Kami
Although i am his host, free webs makes it easyer for him to make a site, he transfers stuff over to my site when it is basicly finished being built.
In response to Scoobert
Surely, if he knows the basics/intermediate levels of BYOND Programming, he can learn HTML hands down, he just needs to apply himself. *thinks about taking his own advice for Cold Fusion, and PHP*
In response to Goku72
Why do that when you can just use DM?
In response to Goku72
HTML is a very easy language, yet i have been doing it for 7 years and still aren't fully "knowledgable" in it.

I started out with someone asking me to help them with a DBZ RPG site (Back when they were actually fun, you on aol?) so i agreed and that is what kicked my learning of html and my possible career. I'd say there is no real "learning" your just memorizing the lines of code ^^;!
In response to Jon88
You can use DM to make sites? o.o;
In response to Jon88
Because, I don't have a BYOND server =P
In response to Karasu Kami // should be by now anyway // An old funny version of BYONDscape

I'm sure there is some more then that, but they are all made in BYOND.