I was thinking back the other day on how people always like to complain about things, or say things like our president is bad, the choices our goverment makes are bad, etc but they almost never say what they should do instead!
I guess in a sense they don't believe it's their job to think that far ahead, but more so tell them if they're doing a good job or not, I'm not really sure. All I know is I got really pissed off when people held "NO WAR" signs instead of holding "Lets do this instead" signs as to try instead of having hatred, try to guide them in a different direction.
SO I thought I'd post a few things that Ithink this country (USA) in general needs.
Well being in community college, I notice the lack of community within it. People are nice when you come and talk to them, but for the most part people don't tend to like to just come up and say hi to a random person, since it takes a lot of guts, and they might be scary. So after looking into clubs and such, I think they need more things in our communities, our schools, our colleges... That bring people together where they can meet friends, etc. I know they have organizations, but in my area it's really lacking.
Another thing I noticed is the police system in America. A friend of mine goes 60 in a 25 and gets the ticket bumped down to 5 miles an hour over, basically because she's extremely hot and started to cry. I tried to cry on my ticket (86 in a 60) and I got a 200 dollar fine, compared to her small fine. I think we could somehow develop a system of ethics, morals, and principles for the police force to have to follow, and perhaps have someone who goes with them on their "trips" to make sure they're making the right choices. I've seen some really bad choices by cops, letting really horrible horrible people free, but punishing the innocent, or whatever. Which I think doesn't look well with our country.
Another thing is life seems to linear at an early age. You go to school, school, and school and eventually you get a job. That line is fine, but I wish there was some alternative, or perhaps mix up that you could go through, instead of the normal boring linear path. Another thing I noticed is that there's not as many "Apprentice" schools really, there's tech schools, beauty schools, and culinary art schools, but a lot of fields are lacking.
I think maybe that developing some schools that focus more in different areas (Perhaps school where you only need 2 years of high school), for one making them more abundant would be nice.
However most these things I post are just tall tail dreams, probably not very good ideas, and cost so much money they're far fetched. Either that or I'm ignorant and just don't know how many of these are really out there, I haven't looked but I know you don't hear about them much, but that doesn't mean they're not out there.
![]() Oct 20 2003, 5:33 pm
Everything is a cycle. Governments fall, people rebel, leaders change almost as fast, rinse and repeat. It's about breaking out from the cycle of the ages. Something like practical nanotechnology, or quantum computing taking off means a lot more than just novelty nano-engines and 32/64-bit calculations. A utopian society world wide is possible with technology, or at the very least no one has given a reason why it's impossible.
Both of you guys need to read War & Peace. Best explanation I've ever had of why people/government make the choices they do. |
That's a great idea! Let's found a new revolution on more or less the same abstract principles that we had our last one, and assume that 200 years from now, the outcome will somehow be different!
Why would it end up the same? Let me give you an example. So the people all come together and decide what we want. Hey, I decide I want to openly marry my girlfriend. No problem, right? In our new society, there's probably not even such a thing as a marriage license, so who cares? Well, turns out a lot of people do. Getting rid of the government isn't going to get rid of people's religious beliefs, and if you plan on getting rid of people's religious beliefs, then how exactly is it more free? If society is supposed to "decide" how it will be ruled, this means a consensus must be reached, which means compromises must be made... if society is free, then you know people are going to disagree, and disagree vehemently, about things like what's right and wrong, what's society's business and what's personal business. You can make a broad statement like, "As long as you're not hurting anybody and doing your own thing, it's all cool," except society has to agree on what's "not hurting anybody" and what's "doing your own thing," and if society is truly free, there's going to be some very, very heated arguments about these thigns. So there'd probably be some sort of balance between pleasing the majority (because after all, if the majority can do what they want, then the largest numbe of people are "free"), and protecting the fundamental rights of the minority (because if you're only "free" when you're part of the in-crowd, then no one is truly free, as each person who happens to be in the majority is stuck doing whatever got them there to begin with.) So compromise. Everyone's happy, right? Wrong. Somebody much wittier than I am once said something clever about compromises. I don't remember exactly what it was, but basically, it boils down to, the only fair compromise is one that leaves both sides equally unhappy. See, to those of us in the minority (and we all are, at one point or another), it will sometimes seem like we're being oppressed by this system of compromise, that we don't count as much as those in the majority. To those of us in the majority (ditto), it will often seem like the wants and needs of those few in the minority are being given undue weight. Really, if we were all more fair-minded to begin with, we'd admit that hey, the system isn't perfect, but it's doing the best job humanly possible in governing a free society. Of course, your standard rebuttal is going to be, "At least I'm trying to make a difference." Well, you think you are, but mostly you're just posting ill-informed angsty little things on the web. That isn't trying very hard. Try picking a problem and actually working to solve it instead of saying, "The only hope is to throw out the good, the bad, and the ugly, and count on the idea that we'll somehow end up with something that has more good, less bad, and no ugly!" You know the phrase throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Usually the intimation is that the baby was thrown out accidentally, but you seem to think the only way to get rid of the dirty bathwater is to chuck the baby headfirst. |
So we should double the money allotted for police manpower. Check. I suppose you've got a budget surplus hidden somewhere to pay for that?
I also suppose you've checked and the police won't resent the idea that that they need someone looking over their shoulder and telling them how to do their jobs, too, and they all swear they wouldn't crack down harder whenever their watchdog's back is turned. It really is bad that life is unfair. It really is good to try to make it less so. The problem that you and Anarchy Robot have is that you're both thinking of big, sweeping gestures to make it all right at once. Things don't work that way. Your plane's drifting out of control, you need to correct its course... you give it a gentle nudge... you don't swing it around 180 degrees unless you're seriously interested in watching the whole thing break apart. |
Hedgemistress wrote:
the only way to get rid of the dirty bathwater is to chuck the baby headfirst. You mean there is a better way... My wife is going to kill me... =P It's actually strange that with total freedom doesn't create a perfect world, while the closest thing to a Utopian society I've heard of is the one described in "Brave New World" (It had flaws, but they could easily be delt with). They had pretty much no freedom, they were pretty much robots, but they were happy almost all the time (Appart from a few cases). |
Right, I forgot that everything you say is gospel truth. Did you, for one minute, think that YOU might be wrong and not the other guy? Why do you and everyone else on BYOND express such animosity for every single thing I say to you guys? Oh right, I forgot, you actually created America and you know, I mean you just know everything so there is no need to even live since you are in charge, right? Well heck man, what's your deal? I am truely genuinly unhappy with my life, because I realized that the only point it holds, due to the manmade reality of "soicety", is to work and get stuff. Quite frankly I, as a human, I am myself and I am free and I can have my own opinions and nothing you can say can take that away from me, am sick of this stupid life. We are forced to live in these stupid lives of "quiet desperation" and to what end? I don't want to look back when I'm dying at my life and feel that it was just a shallow waste of my consumer driven life. And since it's MY life and I should be able to decide how MY life is regulated then I think that something should be done. I don't know what your problem is, or why you feel that you cant agree with me, even if I make good points.
I'm just pissed that there are all these great conspiracies and shocking facts about what really goes down and what is really happening in the world and yet nobody gives a flying **** about any of it, they would rather die with their material posessions then have to lift one finger in the name of revolution. Oh, and by the way, thank you very much for assuming that a second american revolution would result in exactly the same thing as before it happened. God knows that after the civil war was fought slavery still existed and still does to this day right? God knows that after the french revolution the king was still in power and a republic was never set up right? God knows that no revolution ever changes anything right? No man, you are so wrong. Why can't you just say "yes, you are right. things are all messed up and very evil people are in charge of this world. i agree that the good people should overthrow the evil ones so that good would reign and the earth would be free" but I'm guessing youre the type to say good and evil is relative, it's not the same for everyone. I hope that's not the case because that is truely, very wrong. It is meerely a diluted view programmed into your minds by liberalist illuminati teachings designed to make you the perfect robot to live in a world governed by a one world government |
It doesn't take a revolution for you to not buy products you don't like. It doesn't take a revolution for you to rearrange your values. It doesn't take a revolution for you to do anything. Your unhappy, not oppressed by a evil conspiracy. I hate to sound mean and blunt, but your blaming your problems on society, so you want that society to change. Society won't change until the people in it do. [Edit] I won't change anything here, but I will say I'm sorry that I offened you. |
(I'm going to reply to DarkView's post here so that the mods have the option of just deleting Anarchy Robot's replies, and leaving this intact, should they so wish.)
Anarchy Robot, calm down man. I'd like to ask you a favour; please read my entire post in full before responding. Hear me out, 'kay? DarkView was only trying to help. I can see why you're unhappy with society. Hey, so am I; I think many people are. Trouble is, all the suggested alternatives are also just as bad. Like it or not, capitalism more or less works. For example, communism would be great if everybody was perfect. But nobody is; and the second that someone is greedy, or defies the spirit of the system, the entire communist system starts to disintegrate. Fairly soon, it's just another dictatorship with corrupt bureaucratic rulers. And about the Illuminati and all those conspiracy theories... don't believe everything you read on the internet. Want to know why conspiracy theories sound so true? It's because they can't be disproved. For example: I could say that I'm an alien from Mars, in a perfect disguise as a human. Other people could do all kinds of medical tests on me to prove me wrong, but I could simply answer them by saying that my disguise is so perfect that it even manages to pass those tests. So it's impossible for anyone to disprove that I'm an alien. Does that mean that I am an alien? That's not to say that there aren't conspiracy theories that are true. For example, I do believe that the official story of JFK's assassination is false, from the evidence that I've seen. Could I be wrong? Quite possibly. But there are concrete findings that disprove the official story. It sounds like you're trying to find some purpose in your life, which is something that I think happens to most people at some time in their lives. So think about what you, as an individual, can do to improve the world in some way. You don't have to overthrow governments to make a difference. |
So ok, anarchy is out because of that reason, so what is next then? Well, it would be cool if there was a government where true freedom existed, and where the people actually came together as a soicety and decided together how they wanted to live, not the aristocricy deciding how the masses would live. You seem to think freedom and chaos are two different things. The more laws you have the less freedom you have. Therefore no laws would be complete freedom which is the same as anarchy. This might seem cool until someone decides that what they want to do with their freedom is torture or kill you for something you have. With no laws this is perfectly fine. On the other hand if you have laws to govern every action you make you lose your individuality which is no better than complete chaos. A good government finds the proper balance to allow individuality while protecting you from malicious acts of violence/theft. There is no perfect solution but I don't think you can get much better than government set up in the US. I wanted to make video games since I was very little so what did I do I got an old computer and started programming. No government official could tell me I couldn't do that it was my choice and no one stopped me. I wanted to go to Digipen to study video game programming. I didn't have the money to go so what did I do? I worked my rear off with my dad to earn the money(and later decided to just get a loan and pay off the debts later :P). Nothing stopped me from doing that and achieving my goals. Sure if there were no laws I could just get a weapon kill someone rich and easily get there a lot faster, but atleast under the current system I can feel moderatly comfortable that the same thing wouldn't happin to me. Also, the soiciety should be a lot more consious about the enviorment, because we can just trash up the planet and then expect sombody else to fix it. it is both our cradle and our grave, so why do we want to **** it up? we need to stop being so apathetic about everything, and end our indiffernence. most americans will say if it doesn't affect them then they could care less aobut it. with that attitude in mind, the're no better then criminals and theives and anarchists and they are just helping to destroy the planet. it really is true that if you don't help then you only add to the problem. I never get why people seem to think we're going out of our way to kill off the envirnoment. It's obviously not in our best interest to do so. Loggers replant trees as they cut them down since they'd be out of buisiness without trees. There are all sorts of laws and regulations on how much pollution cars/factories are allowed to emit since no one wants to live in the stuff. That some people seem to think the Earth is some delicate fragil thing that will just collapse if you step on it wrong. It's actually quite resilliant and we'd have to go out of our way to destroy it in any significant way. That and without all the power generated by those power planets and all the other things that come from it chances are you wouldn't live past 30. Many of the advances which extend our lifespan past this point couldn't be done without electricity. Some people just can't be content without thinkng the world is going to end at any moment :P. I should also note that people being more concious of the environment is something you want. If you impose rules to enforce this you're killing of the freedom you claim you want. that is what i think. basically, i think that a second american revolution is in line, and we should do so to create a country that has little or no flaws, and at the very least, it is based on truth and freedom, and not deceit and slavery. Uh last I checked I had the freedom to choose my path in life and I haven't seen any slaves around. As far as I can see things are great. In general if you work hard you're rewarded and aren't if you don't. I don't see how this is a bad thing. i don't know. life just shouldn't be so pointless as to just a means to acquire capital to get stuff. life is worth so much more then that. Well lead life the way you want(provided it doesn't involve murder or theft) then just don't force your ideas on others as this kinda defeats the freedom you wanted people to have. Personally I'd like to make a lot of money then do as little work as possible :). it's like when i asked this girl in my economics class just what makes something valuable, and she said if it is worth some money, then something has value. so nature and things like that have no value, unless you can harvest them in a way. so then i asked her, what is life worth? is it valuable? she couldn't answer me and didn't talk for the rest of the period. The value of an object varies from person to person and is just the amount they feel it is worth. Thus most people consider their lives priceless since they'd probably wouldn't exchange it for anything. Some may think highly of a flower whereas others would feel it has no worth. so really guys, things do matter more then money. now do you truely believe that, or are you just quick to agree because you have money and like everything else, if it doesn't hurt you, you could care less? I wish I had more money then I could buy all the things I wanted, but current my checkings acount holds less than 2$ :P. There are some things worth more than the value money can represent, but many things I want can be priced so money definantly isn't a bad thing and something I'd like to attain more of. |
Theodis wrote:
so really guys, things do matter more then money. now do you truely believe that, or are you just quick to agree because you have money and like everything else, if it doesn't hurt you, you could care less? This reminds me of a quote I heard from somewhere: "Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can make you comfortable in your misery." |
Crispy wrote:
For example, communism would be great if everybody was perfect. Aaagh! It's that blasted "communism would be great..." meme again. I do not think "communism" means what you think it means! |
Anarchy Robot wrote:
I am truely genuinly unhappy with my life, because I realized that the only point it holds, due to the manmade reality of "soicety", is to work and get stuff. If this is not your idea of a fulfilling life (and it's all well and good that it isn't), then the solution is simple: just do something else. Just because it's one popular goal doesn't mean you have to follow it, and if the idea of everyone else working and getting stuff really bothers you that much, then maybe stuff is more important to you than you think. |
is what you said any different from what we have to today? If you really wanted to get married you could just say you're married and wallah? What's the difference between marriage license and not being married? Nothing as long as the core principles are there, like love. You think people don't disagree on what's right and wrong, what the hell do you think we're doing now lexy? Do you think we're just all blissfully ignorant to everything? No we see the flaws in our society, and government today, just like we would in any other government. People will always find flaws, because nothing is perfect.
I admit anarchy has it's flaws and so does communism, but that doesn't mean they're not possible... just means in order for them to work humans would have to adapt, and deal with the situations, and circumstances given to them. Any different from now? You think when we're born that all humans are exactly the same way ? You are a fool if you think that, anything could work as long as we are trained to make it work, just like we are trained to make democracy work, specifically from birth. There's always going to be people who don't like it though, and rebel. Just like they do now, there will always be someone who just doesn't fit in or becomes self aware of his life and his surroundings. The funny thing is is that you think humans don't adapt, evolve, or change at all. You think that everyone feels, thinks, and is the same way as you lexy, so when you argue you basically first try to make the other person look stupid, then you push your ideas on them like you're queen and know all. There's no one right way to think. What's right or wrong in other words, is their own. When hitler and all his men killed all those jews, you think they killed them JUST because they were evil? No they partly did it because they lacked empathy, I guess you can say they adapted in a sense to the situation. There's one core idea in all human beings, and that is survival. It was either kill a jew, or be killed situation, and they chose survival over what others might believe to be the honorable way, but in their minds they had no sense of it. Sure there were some just pure evil beings who got pleasure out of it, none of us can really say since we weren't there, but considering so many germans fought and listened to the commands that were so HORRIBLE and cruel, kinda goes to show anythings possible, especially if trained from birth to be that way, or convinced to be that way. I think history goes to show if you have the right tools, the right methods of teaching, and people who believe in you and your ways, anything is possible. The main problem with arguements especially about government, life etc. is that we all see things differently. What freedom means to one person could mean a different thing to another, what happyness means to one person it could mean another thing to another. Not everyone is just one way, so if you created a government based on anarchy you would have the believers and non believers, eventually the non believers would leave and the believers would be left. Atleast, it could happen that way anyways, unless you forced everyone to stay or they had no other choice of life. |
Oh I know. It's no problem to just change MY life, but I wanted to change everyone. I wanted them to know freedom and happiness. That's all.
Anarchy Robot wrote:
Oh I know. It's no problem to just change MY life, but I wanted to change everyone. I wanted them to know freedom and happiness. That's all. Yeah, nothin' says "freedom" like having someone dictate exactly how and why you should live your life. You should track some of these Illuminati people down and ask if they're hiring; you'd fit right in. |
and so be it, it is your god given right to think, and believe what you think is right. Without extremists in this world, for instance jesus and king are 2 examples, nothing would ever improve or get better. We always need someone to raise the level of discussion and thought so that other views/opinions can be discussed and things can be seen from a different point of view. Passion is a grand thing in this world, I don't believe everyone experiences is it, but most do.
Jon Snow wrote:
When hitler and all his men killed all those jews, you think they killed them JUST because they were evil? No they partly did it because they lacked empathy, I guess you can say they adapted in a sense to the situation. The year's not quite over yet, but I think that post is a strong contender for 2003's Most Unfortunate Ambiguity in Pronoun Antecedents Award. |
well I actually got that from a book I read in german III... hehe it's not my actual words, just made it sound like it was. It was based off this psychologist during the trials of all the german war leaders etc who was picked to analyze and find what each person had in common and how they could do what they did...
Anarchy Robot wrote:
Quite frankly I, as a human, I am myself and I am free and I can have my own opinions and nothing you can say can take that away from me, am sick of this stupid life. We are forced to live in these stupid lives of "quiet desperation" and to what end? I don't want to look back when I'm dying at my life and feel that it was just a shallow waste of my consumer driven life. And since it's MY life and I should be able to decide how MY life is regulated then I think that something should be done. Funny you should bring that up. Question is, how severely punished would you be if you dare "rebel" against the Chinese Government, or the old NAZI Germany? And, another question...what do you think protects your right to say these things, "GOD"? No, sorry bud in this world..."GOD" is not a factor, I'm afraid it's good ol' Uncle Sam who sends out his active reserve troops to die and fight to protect your rights only to have you spit on the Consitution which has been proven to be one of the most successful contracts in this world's history. So, before you start flaunting around that this form of government and life is imperfect, think...how can one achieve perfection in an imperfect world? |
suppose anarchy happened, and there were no rules. now everything would be fine until one day when somebody with a large group of people desides to take over something and set himself up as a ruler. With no laws and nobody to enforce the laws, nobody could stop him if he was powerful enough, and so other "clans" would have to be formed to determine who would live and enjoy life the most. Ironically, this is exactly what happened in europe after the fall of rome and when anarchy existed in the dark ages. and eventually these feudalistic clans would gain more power and more power until we have countries again. and then these "kings" would misuse their power, and the illuminati would sow their seeds of discord and revolt would happen, and the world would end up pretty much the same as it is today.
So ok, anarchy is out because of that reason, so what is next then? Well, it would be cool if there was a government where true freedom existed, and where the people actually came together as a soicety and decided together how they wanted to live, not the aristocricy deciding how the masses would live. Also, the soiciety should be a lot more consious about the enviorment, because we can just trash up the planet and then expect sombody else to fix it. it is both our cradle and our grave, so why do we want to **** it up? we need to stop being so apathetic about everything, and end our indiffernence. most americans will say if it doesn't affect them then they could care less aobut it. with that attitude in mind, the're no better then criminals and theives and anarchists and they are just helping to destroy the planet. it really is true that if you don't help then you only add to the problem.
that is what i think. basically, i think that a second american revolution is in line, and we should do so to create a country that has little or no flaws, and at the very least, it is based on truth and freedom, and not deceit and slavery. i don't know. life just shouldn't be so pointless as to just a means to acquire capital to get stuff. life is worth so much more then that.
it's like when i asked this girl in my economics class just what makes something valuable, and she said if it is worth some money, then something has value. so nature and things like that have no value, unless you can harvest them in a way. so then i asked her, what is life worth? is it valuable? she couldn't answer me and didn't talk for the rest of the period.
so really guys, things do matter more then money. now do you truely believe that, or are you just quick to agree because you have money and like everything else, if it doesn't hurt you, you could care less?