is it possible to host when using a LAN or Intranet or whatever?
absolutely! this is one of BYOND's built in strengths- network gaming! for good success at the start, make sure any firewall you have is properly configured to allow certain ports free access, otherwise people will have a hard time connecting to you.
In response to digitalmouse
um...its not a firewall...i dont have a firewall...
In response to Dark Weasel
You asked a yes or no question. digitalmouse entered yes. digitalmouse was then nice enough to add some information about firewalls while hosting. (It's a somewhat common issue people have asked about.) Smile. It's a freebie. ;)
In Dream Seeker, type in:

.configure hub-address none

LAN game to your heart's content. If you want to configure it for internet usage again, simply type in:

.configure hub-address

...and DS will be all wired up to the 'net. Simple, no?

The often-overlooked Help Center on the left has some great tips for LAN issues with BYOND, as well as numerous other topics. Check it out!