The person who gives me the best reason gets 8 dimes (normally I'd be gving these to MLAAS players but ya know...).

So come on, just why do you need the dimes?
Best reason: I need 8 dimes because I don't. Don't even bother making threads like this. Just send them to a random person, or send them to Dantom or a single key of Dan or Tom. Do something...Later.
In response to Branks
[edit]i dont need dimes, mwuahahahaha![/edit]
In response to Branks
um no. I do this all the time.
Donation to BYOND super contest
Seems like a good reason to me. If you don't trust me, donate them yourself, or someone you do trust.

(normally I'd be gving these to MLAAS players but ya know...).

Probably a better idea, since they are all broke from buying GM... Erm... *cough*... Purple Team.
In response to Kunark
what is MLAAS anyway? ..i thought it was some kind of baseball thing xD