![]() Sep 15 2003, 12:22 pm
Hey all, I just got my linux (Mandrake 9.1) running, and because it's the sole OS on my system, I guess that makes me a penguin (cute little guys!)! Well I 've only had a few problems with it so far, one being that it takes forever to load apps, and the other that my screen is all smallish and messed up, but so far it's been pretty good. Much better than Win98se! I'm working on getting BYOND(I love that I don't have to configure any drivers! Install, go to mozilla ""!)
![]() Sep 15 2003, 12:23 pm
If you want to play BYOND games, you'll need to get WINE. Chatters is not a game, and therefore doesn't count. :) Once you have WINE(Wine Is Not an Emulator), up and running(it may already have been installed by default), you'll need to download the windows version of BYOND, and hope that it works.
Dragon of Ice wrote:
Hey all, I just got my linux (Mandrake 9.1) running Oh, how the mighty have fallen... I know when I wake up screaming in the middle of the night, Windows XP is there holding me.... |
Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be better just to get the authentic Windows (XP, preferably) itself, instead of using Linux and then installing an emulator of Windows just to use Windows apps?
-Chris |
Dragon of Ice wrote:
Hey all, I just got my linux (Mandrake 9.1) running, and because it's the sole OS on my system, I guess that makes me a penguin (cute little guys!)! Well I 've only had a few problems with it so far, one being that it takes forever to load apps, and the other that my screen is all smallish and messed up, but so far it's been pretty good. Much better than Win98se! I'm working on getting BYOND(I love that I don't have to configure any drivers! Install, go to mozilla ""!) Actually that'd make you a penguin-thumper (spheniscussionist). This isn't a positive step as far as interoperability with BYOND is concerned. Lummox JR |
Welcome to the dark side. I'm sure you'll enjoy Linux a bunch, but it's good to duel-boot Windows with it, I've found it's nice to have Windows there if you find something WINE can't run, or that runs too slow to be worth it.
Dracon wrote:
Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be better just to get the authentic Windows (XP, preferably) itself, instead of using Linux and then installing an emulator of Windows just to use Windows apps? While this is true, it has been proven many times that running Windows programs *under* Linux is actually more stable than running them under Windows! If the Windows program crashes fatally under Linux, it does not likely take the whole machine down with it. Linux gives you the chance to kill the bad, bad, dead program, and start it again. Plus Windows XP costs money (what? $100 nowadays?), and getting pirate copies just risks you getting in trouble, where-as Linux and most of the software for Linux that does what you need is more often than not for free. It is likely (with the exception of BYOND) that there is a Linux version for your favorite program or game, so that you have less reason to be dependant on Windows software. I understand that Dreq has been having some success lately in getting BYOND for Windows to run under Linux. And there are tons of top-games that have been ported to Linux, *or* run under the gaming-centric version of Wine, called WineX. What the Windows-thumpers don't realize, is that Linux is here to stay, and gets better and better as the days go by. Soon Windows will struggle against the stability and power associated with Linux and Mac OS X! mwhahahaha*cough*cough*...sorry... :p |
digitalmouse wrote:
While this is true, it has been proven many times that running Windows programs *under* Linux is actually more stable than running them under Windows! If the Windows program crashes fatally under Linux, it does not likely take the whole machine down with it. Linux gives you the chance to kill the bad, bad, dead program, and start it again. Bleh. I've been using Windows XP for over a year (using it sometimes for 3 days straight) and it has never crashed on me. Sure, Windows 98 and ME are horrible, but XP is very nice. Besides, if Windows crashes, 99 out of a 100 times, it's usually the user's fault. Plus Windows XP costs money (what? $100 nowadays?), and getting pirate copies just risks you getting in trouble, where-as Linux and most of the software for Linux that does what you need is more often than not for free. ::cough::cheap::cough:: It is likely (with the exception of BYOND) that there is a Linux version for your favorite program or game, so that you have less reason to be dependant on Windows software. I understand that Dreq has been having some success lately in getting BYOND for Windows to run under Linux. And there are tons of top-games that have been ported to Linux, *or* run under the gaming-centric version of Wine, called WineX. It'd save the trouble just to spend $100 (Gasp! $100!?!? Say it's not so!!!) and be perfectly happy with Windows XP. What the Windows-thumpers don't realize, is that Linux is here to stay, and gets better and better as the days go by. Soon Windows will struggle against the stability and power associated with Linux and Mac OS X! I still believe Windows is for "real people". Sure, Linux is great for hosting and programmers, but for things such as gaming- Windows works best... but these are just my opinion. LET THE WINDOWS-FANBOYS, LINUX-FANBOYS, AND MAC-FANBOYS DUKE IT OUT IN ONE GIANT BATTLE! Mwe har har! |
I disagree, and agree with you there :P
I am a Windows-fan. I like Windows, and all my OS's are Windows. However, I believe they made one FATAL mistake with XP, leading me to have NO XP OSs. They spent WAY, WAY too much time and money on small 'nifty' little features, and almost no time on anti-virus/crack/trojan/crash/e.t.c. So I still stick to my old '98, nice and simple, without the thousands of 'nifty' (useless) little features. Yeh, I know it crashes almost everyday, but I've had it since I was 10 and I would never change it! And also, my school has XP on all their computers, and it is REALLY slow at loading things, however that is probably just the school being cheap and buying crapping speed computers. (I only have a 800 mHz, and that faster!!!) ~GokuSS4Neo~ |
Well, my computer has been on for 8 days, i dont have a top of the line system, i have only 384 megs of ram, and a 1.5 ghrz p4 and my system is still runnign fine. Im running XP Home. Now tell me winXP is unstable, it's not, you just have to keep up with mantance. I defrag, de-spy, de-ad, de-virus once a month. That simple, i run games all the time and change settings all the time. I am a windows fanboy, although i do admit linux is good for some things, there is nothing wrong with winXP if you simply take care of your computer.
My computer has been on for the last...since last Tuesday, you do the math. (7 days). I have Windows 98, only 256 ram, or whatever that ram is in the 200's, and only a 0.8 gHrz and my system is still running fine-ish.
Admittadly it does crash almost every day, but not a complete crash, as in it freezes until I use CRTL + ALT + Del to close the buggy program, hence after it starts working again! ~GokuSS4Neo~ |
Karasu Kami wrote:
mac? sorry but thats a box made for toast... yet again another un-informed person. Macs currently hold the title of producing technically the fastest *desktop* 64-bit PC in the world (with IBM's help), and the only one currently to handle up to 8GB of RAM (very useful for music and video professions). Mac OS X is considered by many (including Windows fans) to be one of the easiest and most stable operating systems around. And this is held up by a growing number of software developers who are switching to, or adopting, G4 and G5 Macs in their development environment- the tally of Mac developers (including independant Linux developers (remember: Mac OS X has a Linux-type kernel now) was at 300,000 in June/July, and still climbing. That means that even more applications and games are being ported or written for the Mac. Soon it won't come down to what OS has your favorite game, but what OS you personally prefer- and that preference will be influenced by the operating system that is more stable and more powerful. MacOS and Linux are showing these traits more and more, and will undoubtably become more popular as time goes on. Windows XP can be stable, no doubt (heck I use an AMD 1.3Ghz machine running XP-pro alongside my main Linux box and it runs for weeks between shutdowns), but you gotta fiddle with it occassionally, and maintain it constantly (the de-fragging and registry cleaning mostly). With Linux and Mac boxes all you worry about is anti-virus/anti-spy software, and let the machine do it's job with most anything else. Remember that little 200Mhz/384MB RAM box I used for hosting HrH and Chatters? Originally I ran Windows 98 SE on it, stripped down to its bare essentials, installed a firewall, antivirus program, ftp program, and then BYOND. I had to constantly monitor the machine, defrag it, free-up wasted memory, and restart DreamDaemon because it kept crashing almost every two days. I ran that for 2 weeks before gutting the whole thing, and installing RedHat 8. Here I also installed the same programs as under Windows, and once users were configured, it became basically a "fire and forget" ran 5 months without a single OS related problem before I had to shut it down for the move to a new apartment (true HrH crashed about once a week, but it seemed to stem from the game, and not the machine itself). No defrag worries, no anti-virus worries (it was set to update automatically and warn me of a problem). And I know that when I hook it back up to the new DSL line and fire it up, I can stick it in the corner and basically forget about it, knowing that it will continue to do its job with little interaction from me (other than dealing with backups or user-related issues). This is what computers are *supposed* to do: do my work for me, not the other way around! I have yet to see a single "permanent host" advertised in the BYOND classified section who can boast that kind of record under Windows XP. To be honest, I am sure it can be done under XP, but until then... :p Now to set the record straight, I use all three major OSs in various flavors (RH Linux and SUSE Linux, MacOS 7.6,8.1,9.2 and X, Windows 98SE and XP-pro) and have found that each has their strengths and weaknesses. Some just appear to work better in certain roles than others. Most people do not have the opportunity to work in all three environments, so they have gotten use to one way or another in operating their computer. This is fine- absolutely nothing wrong with that. If the computer does what you want, and does it well enough for you, great! But for people to come out and say "this OS is better than that OS because of blah, blah, blah" without the benefit of several *years* experience in *all* the major three OSs is essentially babbling nonsense because they lack the knowledge to make informed assumptions or even informed opinions. I guess my final point is to say: does it work for you? great! then quit bashing other OSs because you thinks yours is superior... it's not- it just does its job the best it can do... |
What the Windows-thumpers don't realize, is that Linux is here to stay, and gets better and better as the days go by. Soon Windows will struggle against the stability and power associated with Linux and Mac OS X! Under Windows XP I've had my machine run weeks on end without any stability issues or much memory loss. Windows XP Pro is running a lot better than any previous versions of windows. That and Linux itself isn't nearly perfect and I've had it crash and lock up completly while it choked on a bad CD. Also when trying to use thier update program I've had several lockups and the occasional wierd error where it tells me I'm mssing the package I'm currently trying to install. So far I've run into more issues with RedHat Linux version 8 than I ever had on my Windows XP pro OS. That and the majority of game developers still develop for Windows systems since that's what the majority of gamers use, which is unlikely to change since windows is simpler to use and comes packaged on default computer setups. So I think Windows is just as likely to stay as Mac or Linux. [Edit:] Actually the only real annoying problem I had with Red Hat Linux was the stupid GNOME GUI(most crashing issues and wierd errors came from there). I haven't had much problem doing command line stuff and initiating dreamdaemon from there, which seems to run fine. |
Though not really related " Linux fans beware... rejoice... or... something You get turned into a penguin if you try to recharge your items in the Hermit's hut without paying. " And NWN does have linux support :). |