I've just started lifting and I've spent the last few days doing light circut training and finding my maximum lifts. Let's see if I can remember any. I'll also put some personal goals - maybe more experienced lifters can tell me how realistic they are. For reference, I weigh about 160 lbs.

Bench press. max 125, goal 200
Seated press. max 75, goal 100
Barbell curl. max 75, goal 120
Vertical pull. max 170, goal 250
Cable row. max 170, goal 250
Angled leg press. max 250, goal 350

I hope to at least progress a good way towards those goals, but I don't know a whole lot and my goals might be low or high. I'll be off to the weight room in the morning. :-)

Lord of Water wrote:
Bench press. max 125, goal 200
Seated press. max 75, goal 100
Barbell curl. max 75, goal 120
Vertical pull. max 170, goal 250
Cable row. max 170, goal 250
Angled leg press. max 250, goal 350

You can achieve your goals. It might take a while for such a big jump, though.

Well, the way I see it, if you can lift your body weight, that's pretty impressive. Not too many can actually do that, sadly. I can bench 60 over my body weight, but I've been in wrestling / football for quite a few years. And I weigh around 150, usually.

Lord of Water wrote:

Bench press. max 125, goal 200
Seated press. max 75, goal 100
Barbell curl. max 75, goal 120
Vertical pull. max 170, goal 250
Cable row. max 170, goal 250
Angled leg press. max 250, goal 350

I hope to at least progress a good way towards those goals, but I don't know a whole lot and my goals might be low or high. I'll be off to the weight room in the morning. :-)


It took me about 12 weeks to max 200 on bench press(I also started at about 125, so its pretty much the same).

I'm wondering what you mean by seated press, do you mean military press(pushing the weight up over your head).

On to barbell curls, you wont max 120 anytime soon, I can do maybe 110 on it, its extremely hard to raise that, you need to have perfect form while your doing it, or you wont gain strength, just wear yourself out. I normally use dumbells because of lack of flexibility in my elbows and shoulders.

Vertical pull is for lats I'm assuming, 170 isnt bad for one rep, 250 will take you a while though.

Cable rows are again for lats(and some more of your back).

Ahh, angled leg press, ours is called a sled, I hit 600 on it today, if your at 250, well you should go up real fast, and should probably set your goal for the near future around 450-500.

Best of luck to you, and always remember that form is better than weight. Having perfect form and doing what weight you can will let you gain strength a lot faster than lifting a lot of weight with horrible form.
You shouldnt really focus on weight so much on those curls and pulls. It's good to increase the weight you can do but doing one curl with a lot of weight isn't gonna do too much. Focus on raising your bench max pretty much, just do a lot of upper body exersise. Also don't forget squats, those are the best exersise for you legs. Just make sure you work out all of your body. You should be doing back arm curls for triceps and don't foget situps. Also you should try to get some good shoulder strength by doing military press, shoulder shrugs and one arm dumbell pulls, shoulders and triceps are probably best for getting over all arm strength, good for getting a lot of hitting power. And to see what your overall body strength just deadlift. Make sure you learn how to deadlift by someone who knows what thier doing because you could really hurt yourself doing it.
I weigh 180 lbs, and also just started weightlifting.

So far what I have done, and each one I can do at least 3 lifts each time at that weight:

Bench Press: 135
Power Clean: 115 (I think.)
Tricept Pushdown: 80
Box Squat, middle box: 140
Box Squat, smallest box: 130
E-Z Bar Curl: 90 (I think.)
Leg Curl: 60 (Pity me, that machine is hard for me :P.)
Hex Bar Dead Lift: 105 (Pretty sure.)
Front Shoulder Press: 95 (I think.)

I am lucky because I go to the best, or at least one of the best, weightlifting gyms in the state of Utah.
In response to Kunark
My high school has the best weight room of any school in the state. I might as well post some of my bests. I only max on bench press, and back squats/sled(angled leg press), so everything else Ill list reps on.

Bench press: 270
Back Squat: At least 250, haven't maxed in a year
Sled: At least 650, again havent maxed in a year

I'll max on the 3 above next week, so those weights might change a bit, they're just projected. I got 260 thursday on bench, 230 on squats and 600 on sled, but that was all on the fifth set.

Tricep pushdowns: 90 pounds/12 reps

Dumbells: 30 pounds/8-12 reps, I go up 5 pounds every fourth week/go up 2 reps a week

Leg curls: 110 pounds 8-12 reps, i raise each set 10 pounds every fourth week

Military press(shoulders/triceps): 105 pounds(my shoulders are a bit messed up, very low flexibility, have to use extremely close grip on back squats as well).

Probably shouldn't even mention this, but I do 300-400 pounds on calves every wednesday, depending on how I feel. Sitting and standing. Max is like 900 pounds though, we got bored and loaded up the sled last year, I did it for a whole set.
In response to Tokabol
Also something: always wear a weight belt on load bearing excersizes. Any kind of squat or deadlift is a good example, sometimes bench press.
In response to Jotdaniel
O ya I forgot to mention that. Make sure it's tight too cause it won't do anything if it's all loose.
In response to Jotdaniel
Haha, theres this one kid with tree-trunk legs and we sat on the sled today while he did his reps. We figured out the weight and we had somewhere between 1000 and 1100 lbs on there -- no [...] way for me. I calculated my sled max at about 600 lbs.

<font color="red">[Message from Spuzzum: Come on, LoW. You should really know better than to use swears on the forums by now.]</font>
I can bench 210 max (obviouslly I stated the max, why wouldn't I?), I can curl no more then 50 lbs in each hand (I want to someday get up to 90 lbs dumbells in each hand), I don't really know what else I can do... I have done as much as 200 lbs with my legs on some leg machine but it was easy so I don't know...I could also do more then 300 lbs with my calf muscles but most people can do like almost 600 lbs with them because theyre strong muscles. Hey I know, I'll post pictures of myself so you can see how buff I am. One question though: how do you post images? It would be cool to see how buff everyone looks I think.
In response to Lord of Water
I never tried my max on there but it's probably around 500-600lbs.
In response to Lord of Water
Aww sorry spuzzum, [insert excuse here]. Thanks for editing it for me.
In response to Lord of Water
My brother was doing sets of 25 reps with approx 1000 pounds on the sled when he was a freshmen, he also squatted about 415 max.

Yesterday I maxed 260 on squats, gonna max on bench tommorow(again, i only got 220 monday, which pissed me off, I wanna try for at least 250, which I know i can do, Ive done it before). Sled max is friday, probably get around 650 or 700 pounds.