Just curious if anyone has this game... I have it, but not the best player.
i have it im #1 muahahaha
I have it, it's a really fun game. I haven't played it in a while, but I use to play as AAA-ClanMD. One of the best records through Westwood online =).

In response to Camaro
Well screw playing with you guys O_O I suck, and not gonna play if I know I'll lose lol

In response to Stealth 2k
Lol, i was a big naval buff for some reason, i could beat almost anyone at a naval battle. I also have the expantion pack. How much did you pay for yours? When i got mine, i got it in a pack with all the other CnC games for only $20 bucks. That was when it was still new. It was a sweet deal. Considering the game normaly cost 30, so i saved 10 and got the copy of the CnC games i already had.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Lol, i was a big naval buff for some reason, i could beat almost anyone at a naval battle. I also have the expantion pack. How much did you pay for yours? When i got mine, i got it in a pack with all the other CnC games for only $20 bucks. That was when it was still new. It was a sweet deal. Considering the game normaly cost 30, so i saved 10 and got the copy of the CnC games i already had.

My friend gave me it for free =D He had an extra copy. I'm not that good though. I noticed they have a new C&C, its called "Generals" Looks really nice, but is 50 bucks, and I'm not willing to pay that much.
In response to Stealth 2k
He he, i downloaded it off kazaa, DONT BUY IT. It sucks majorly, no navy what so ever. And the missions arent that great. If i were you, i would stick with RA2.