I thought I was passing to the next grade until I recieved a letter from my district today. To pass to sophomore you must have 5 credits. I had 5.75 credits. Turns out, I failed Science both semesters, meaning I have to fork out $110.00 for .50, or half, a credit. Cheap eh? Easy to say that when you have a job. There goes my school clothes savings. :(
Tseng True Guerilla wrote:
I thought I was passing to the next grade until I recieved a letter from my district today. To pass to sophomore you must have 5 credits. I had 5.75 credits. Turns out, I failed Science both semesters, meaning I have to fork out $110.00 for .50, or half, a credit. Cheap eh? Easy to say that when you have a job. There goes my school clothes savings. :(

Welcome to the club man. Summer school used to be free... =(
In response to Ebonshadow
Heh, we dont have summer school here anymore, not even if you pay, budget cuts and all. Not that I need it, ive got 28 credits and I only need 21 to be a Junior. Ive never failed a class(though Ive gotten D's in english two years in a row and a D- in Biology).

EDIT: I just looked, I have 29 credits.
What in the world are credits?

Bare in mind that I am of british origin, not of american, so these things... Or in some cases, certain things, are unknown to me.

Care to spill the beans, anyone? >:)

In response to Mellifluous
In high school we get credits when we complete a class with a passing grade. We need a certain ammount of credits to advance to the next grade(ex:10th grade to 11th grade). Im sure every school district is different, but I need 40 credits to graduate. Ive already got 29 credits, and I've only completed two of four years of high school.
In response to Jotdaniel
Ok, well, the british have school in a different manor, and I must say, having credits in England would have severely cheesed me off if I had to aquire them.

Condsidering the fact that my english teacher graded me all U's and F's, but in the end I showed her up for moching me.

She used to grade me really really bad, even though my work was really good, at times, but even so, she was the teacher so what she said or did went.

So, come the final exam I rubbed my grade in her face and told her if I ever went back to school, and she was my teacher, I would ignore her every word and do the tasks as I wanted to do them, not as she said "I had to do them" in her way, and not an easier way, as to which I always did.

She mainly hated me because the other class used to do their work the way she said it had to be done, but because I had a hard time doing my English lessons, I did the work the way I found it easier for me to do, in the end I came out with more or less the equivalent work as to the others, the only exception in doing it my way is that I was able to do the work my way, her way I could not understand nor do... I tried my damnedest at times to do it her way, I just couldn't, she used to have loads and loads of detention slips for me on her desk because I couldn't do it her way, and for the fact that I did the work my way.

So, at the end of the year when I was ready to do my final exams I told her to shove her lessons up her ass and take my work as it comes, if not, f*** off and leave me the f*** alone and stop giving me bad grades, detentions, telling-off's and what not because it was really getting to me... After this I lost it and threw my table upside-down and stormed off outside to calm down, the head of English had a word with me and I told him what went on, so, until the end of the year I was being taught by a teacher I actually liked and learned from, because she knew how hard it was for me, and because she knew how I would need something drawn out or spoken in a certain way to get what they actually mean't by something.

So, when I got my final grade, I rubbed it in my teachers face and walked off, then I went to the substitute teacher who helped me for just under half the year, we chatted and had a game of chess and celebrated my "average" grade, compaired to what my set teacher was giving me.

Anyhow, I am posting way too much, and the fact of the matter is that I am glad I never had those credits!

In response to Mellifluous
Heh, I only got the D's in English because Im lazy, its actually one of my better subjects. I dont know what a U is, but our grading scale usually goes A, B, C, D, F, F being failing, with a + or - meaning higher or lower letter grade(theres no +,- on an F, its just F).
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Heh, I only got the D's in English because Im lazy, its actually one of my better subjects. I dont know what a U is, but our grading scale usually goes A, B, C, D, F, F being failing, with a + or - meaning higher or lower letter grade(theres no +,- on an F, its just F).

A*, A+, A-, B, C, D, E, F, U.

That's High School grading.

A* = A Star (That's how you would pronounce that one ;))

U means "Ungraded", in short terms, it means you failed, but, it was that bad that it had to go "ungraded".

A-F are all gradable. We do have fails depending on whether you was set into a Higer or Lower tier.

Lower tier grades range from this;

B, C, D, E, F, U.

In the lower tier, for the majority of subjects, you can only reach a B at best and F at worst, no grade is a fail in this tier.

Whereas in the higher tier, you get the following grades;

A*, A+, A, A-, B, C, D, E, F, U.

Although you get more grades in range, if you get anything less than a D, you simply fail that subject.

In response to Mellifluous
In the only lower tier thing that I took, German (Ironic that I could speak it better then the people in the top set.) the maximum grade one could get was a C. In a way I think that the cedits idea works better, over here as you shown you can do nothing all year and learn the stuff for the big exams and whatnot. This in my view isnt good and doesnt represent the persons ability to be good when working in a job (Thats basically all education is for..) the credits system (I guess) works by getting a grade based on your whole year and not just the last hour or so :)
What a STRANGE system. Where I am(somewhere in Canada) each class you pass gives you a certain number of credits, the only requirement being that you need a certain number to graduate from grade 12. I don't see why you need to pay that $110, though.
In response to Maz
Mmm, I did maybe 3 or 4 weeks of homework in German(out of 18 weeks), I got one detention for it, because peopple were bitching to the teacher about me(a few people didnt like me)((several people didnt like me)). I got a B+ both semesters in it too.
ahhh i feel your pain, BAH summerschool who needs it? well i just barley passed, and as a bonus since i go to an alternative school, since i finished a day early, i got out of school for the summer a day early ^_^, but seriously i was failing two days ago,man school sux huh?