In response to Jotdaniel
indeed...i was looking for a pic of him doing his "hein hitlah!" pose but i couldnt find one..
In response to Dragoon_Gunger
1 per customer
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime wrote:
Could ya make me background filled with animals and trees along with a white bunny with red glowing eyes and Green "Green Lime" Text please.

Thanks in advance.

Of course fuzzy dice hates me too much to make little old green lime a banner. Like every one else on byond who hates me.
...If you ever sort through the 63 other posts and find this... Could you make me a banner with a dark, swirling, stormy background, saying 'Dark Drake' in the middle, and a picture of a black dragon? (Please, not the Red Eyes from yu-gi-oh...)
In response to FuZzY DiCe
Hey, it's better then what I saw you make me.

I still like my old chatters banner
In response to Kusanagi
ok, ass stop being so negative towards never have anything nice to say.
In response to RaeKwon
In response to Scoobert
Ah, but you forgot the CHATTERS XL Banners:


And the ever popular drunk kitten:

In response to Airjoe
meh...i avoid using jpegs and "real" pictures at all costs...they just look ugly in a banner...for example most dbz banners have a bunch of jpegs of characters from the show and they just change the opacity on the 56 pictures they stuff into 1...ugly -.-
In response to FuZzY DiCe
Well Castle of the Winds Online can always do with more banners :) Erm... will igve you some images to play with
In response to FuZzY DiCe
I'm being negative? I rarely talk to you, and I was joking, if you couldn't tell and you reacted negative, then that makes you the "ass", am I correct?

In response to Kusanagi cant show emotion through text. In the context that you always have something bad to say towards me i didn't suspect otherwise. When you joke with someone you dont say "oh yours sucks this guy does better" and its usually followed with a ;) if your shouldnt have to guess when people are and aren't joking, ass
In response to Maz
those people have chicken pox!
In response to Green Lime
dont be such a drama queen...i just think you have a weird request.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
lol its suppose to represent the Petz-x rpg game. The white bunny with red eyes is the mean killer strong tuff rabbit that sits by this cave and can kill you in like 1 hit. And the other animals represent all the other animals in petz-x. Its just my favorite rpg on byond.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
They were created in the days of 16/256 colours :D
In response to Green Lime
In response to Maz
ok so what images are you going to give me to play with?
In response to FuZzY DiCe
hmm Some people might find offense to your last remarks fuzzy. HEHEHE but I think its just funny.
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