Dragon Games will not be able to start projects, aside from brainstorming until I can get my computer back on the net...I did everything right, but it just aint getting there!
I have to rely on library and other computers which I can not install BYOND on until I get my comp on the net.
If any teammates would like to contact me, I will be logged into MSN as dragongames@charter.net. I would appreciate that teammemmbers not use this for msn, as it will be my public msn from now on.
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All rights reserved.
I threw applications all over my city and dumped resumes in places I didn't think id be hired, well.. it worked out.
Right now im doing some landscaping work with a friend, so far it's been horrible weather so we couldn't cement anything. With the child coming i'm looking at all job opportunities BUT gas station attendant, catering, waiting, or food services.. just doesn't suit me.
When I get my new computer I'll be on BYOND regularly, not irregularly as I am right now.