Dragon of Ice wrote:
Now Dareb, I was going to put in "focuses around manners, high quality..." but decided it would bee too cheesy (no pun intended). If, Mr. Lime, you would still like to join, I might consider it...I believe that I have seen some of your posts and that you somewhat have a comprehension for coding, so I will speak with the rest of the team members. O.o I might actually join a team! Last time that happened I was kicked out for hmmmm *shrugs* I cant even remember. TE I think it was somthing about being a bad coder. *shrugs* ohh well. *Does his happy dance* |
Oops... I probably should've put a smiley after that! It reads a little nastier than I intended. Then again, maybe I'm just tired...
Gughunter wrote:
Oops... I probably should've put a smiley after that! It reads a little nastier than I intended. Then again, maybe I'm just tired... ZING HAIL *waves his hand to Gug and then Lowers it* |
Which this team is lacking, dareb, email me. [email protected]
In my experience, the best design teams are made up of a group of friends that had similar interests, and decided to get together and work on something. Also in my experience, design teams made up of volunteers plucked off a forum virtually never succeed in doing anything worthwhile. Just thought I'd share that. :)
Jotdaniel wrote:
What the hell does zing hail mean? Its not German ill tell you that much. *shrugs* I just think zing hail sounds cool when doing the notzi salute sorry. Gees |
sorry everyone, I had been on vacation for the weekend, and that's why I haven't been here...I still haven't gotten my damn comp on the internet!
For the Team:
AIM: AirForce0nes813 / Airjoe120 EMAIL: [email protected] YahooIM: Airjoe12 (Don't really use)* MSN: [email protected] (Don't really use)* * I will go on if someone needs to talk, but I don't just hang around on Yahoo or MSN. Programmer in Dragon Games/WATT, Airjoe |