Do you have AIM, or any instant messanger servive? I have some simple game ideas already. Im going to check my email now.

LOL... Dareb finnaly found a team... I HAVE to see this... lol
In response to Sariat
Is there a problem with Dareb?
In response to Dragon of Ice
Dragon of Ice wrote:
Now Dareb, I was going to put in "focuses around manners, high quality..." but decided it would bee too cheesy (no pun intended). If, Mr. Lime, you would still like to join, I might consider it...I believe that I have seen some of your posts and that you somewhat have a comprehension for coding, so I will speak with the rest of the team members.

O.o I might actually join a team!
Last time that happened I was kicked out for hmmmm *shrugs* I cant even remember. TE I think it was somthing about being a bad coder. *shrugs* ohh well.
*Does his happy dance*
In response to Gughunter
Oops... I probably should've put a smiley after that! It reads a little nastier than I intended. Then again, maybe I'm just tired...
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
Oops... I probably should've put a smiley after that! It reads a little nastier than I intended. Then again, maybe I'm just tired...

ZING HAIL *waves his hand to Gug and then Lowers it*
In response to Green Lime
no better way to learn coding other than joining a team. Just be honest and communicate often.
In response to Dareb
Which this team is lacking, dareb, email me. [email protected]
In response to Dragon of Ice
You will see.....
In my experience, the best design teams are made up of a group of friends that had similar interests, and decided to get together and work on something. Also in my experience, design teams made up of volunteers plucked off a forum virtually never succeed in doing anything worthwhile. Just thought I'd share that. :)
In response to Green Lime
What the hell does zing hail mean? Its not German ill tell you that much.
In response to Foomer
Yeah, groups that end up together by chance seem to work out.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
What the hell does zing hail mean? Its not German ill tell you that much.

*shrugs* I just think zing hail sounds cool when doing the notzi salute sorry. Gees
In response to Green Lime
oh yeah i forgot to say, i am also a story maker and a mapper
In response to Green Lime
Oh, ok thats ok then.
In response to Dragon of Ice
You can contact me at:
[email protected]
[email protected]

In response to Tiko
sorry everyone, I had been on vacation for the weekend, and that's why I haven't been here...I still haven't gotten my damn comp on the internet!
For the Team:

AIM: AirForce0nes813 / Airjoe120
EMAIL: [email protected]
YahooIM: Airjoe12 (Don't really use)*
MSN: [email protected] (Don't really use)*

* I will go on if someone needs to talk, but I don't just hang around on Yahoo or MSN.

Programmer in Dragon Games/WATT,
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