True. Anti-virus can only protect from viruses they already know. They don't even have enough AI to notice that a new corrupt file is deleting a mass amount (or corupting) of files. I actually had a virus totally wipe my Opertaing System! I turned on my comp and : "Operating System Not Found" on a DOS screen. I lost all my files. it sucked. That was back in the RM2K days. =P.
Most people that have anti virus systems are about a year old or older. People are still finding virus that a virus scan can't block. I just regomend to becare of what you d/l. I wish I could name some Byond users putting viruses in there game so byond admins or whatever can ban there keys.
Dragoon_Gunger |
Anti-virus software(that don't get shut down by a virus) are able to stop unknown virii from doing serious damage. Any program that wants to write to an exe, access boot information, format the hard drive, or anything similar, is noticed by the AV and it then asks the user whether to allow the action to procede, or not.
What most people dont realize is that a lot of times its just hardware failer, not viruses. Harddrives break and files get scrambled, so its not always a virus, just remember that.
True. I never thought about that. Think about borrowing some thing from one of your friends. Some thing on the CD or 3 1/2 floppy disk (don't know who uses those any more) might have a virus that your friend might not know of and goes into your computer. Then you get on it a week later and crashes on you. Then you have up to 4 choices of what did it, Your friends file that you got of the CD or s 1/2 floppy disk that had a virus on it, computer ran out of room, got a virus off the internet, or a file quit working. But, after that happens, there is no way you can find out because you can't go back in time to fix it.
Dragoon_Gunger |
They also recognize: "Hey, Visual Basic is trying to write to an exe! Hey you! User! Do I let Visual Basic do this, or what? Is it a one time only thing?"
But AVG let's you know what file the virus was in,and you can trash that bastard.That's what my mom did ?8{
Actually, theres this little program called "Go Back" where you can actually "Go Back" in time and restore your computer. I think its freeware when you get a gateway =P.
*has a dell* *'s friend has a gateway* Airjoe |
I had that happen to me, then I formatted my harddrive, happened again, now I have another formatted harddrive that I'm *trying* to get Linux on....I'm such a dunce with OSes....
| has one.
This only restores some things though. If you download stuff after you have something completely erased, it may not be able to bring it back because it overwrites the so called "deleted" information. |
Yea I have that, but it's still not worth getting a Gateway.
I am using Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 1 (5.1 - 2600) My computer is running 1-Intel Pentium 4, 1594MHz, 256KB (65% Load). Running with 128MB of memory. My graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200 displaying at 1024x768 32bit 60Hz Yet I still have problems playing old games like Serious Sam on anything but it's lowest settings. I heard a rumor that Gateway has some programs in the background that you can't shut off and they waste resources constantly, so I'm going to format sooner or later and see if that increases my performance, and not to mention my cover is already cracked from overheating since one time I left my computer on for 10 hours, which is crazy since its about 4 or 5 months old and most computers can stay on for days without having any problems. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
*saves some files for Byond*
*eats again*
Anti Virus crap don't always work tough. I have had my comp crash twice *is glad it still works* from viruses. And I'm not sure what from eather.