Here lately I've been looking through more of the threads in Newbie central, mainly because I'm to the point where I can help now, and I've noticed that some well just a few of those newbs can be rude to everyone. Complaining and all that because someone may not have answered their question right off and stuff like that. And.. well.... I was just wondering, how do some of you who have been here in byond answering questions on these forums deal with it. Are some of you just used to it? do you ignore it? or what. I myself have ignored it but sometimes I almost can't help myself from saying something.

Last thing I'm going to say is thanks to all of you who got me this far in my coding, whether it was a library, demo, tutorial or these forums. I really appreciate it a lot.

Thanks again,
Resonating Light
To put it simply, I only help those that ask nicely. I don't help rude people, and I dont help people that have their thread topic as "HELP ME NOW!!!!!" or "HELP ME FIRST!!!".
If I'm in a helping mood (which I'm not always) and I have time (which I don't always) and I can solve the problem fairly easily without having to read through 10+ pages of code with unclosed tags making it all red, bold, italic, and five times the normal size, then I'll probably answer it.

If I answer rude newbies, I usually ask them to be more polite (sometimes helping them anyway).
I wait till I see something that I am pretty content with using (Forms, DMCGI, lesser Maths) because there are not that many people that can answer these questions, so I feel compelled to try help :)
Glad to hear you're doing well.

Now back to the main topic; I only really help people if I see they've tried something, or if they really seem like they've worked at it and came up with nothing. There are a few times when I'll just hand out a snippet. And I won't help people that are rude when someone tries to help them, and doesn't exactly fit their needs (unless the help given was overly stupid).