Hey kids. Who remember dbz: spar? Yes, thats right, it was great. Then it disappeared and pissed me off. Anyway, I've remade a lot of the original icons, but I'm looking for a few good coders to get it off the ground. And if anyone has the original code, or any version of it, please let me know, it would be a great help. cheers.
Ok, I'll start by compiling my post into one word: Don't.
DBZ-SPAR was/is a great game, and is still being worked on by a guy named Darkness if I remember correctly. I doubt you'll stop because I ask you too, so if you do decide to go through with it at least do it properly.
Dont just grab a bunch of random 'coders', get together a chat room that uses the icons, release it, leak the source, then quit.
Hold off any release until its at the level Spar was appart from closed beta. Make sure too get a trustworthy team and take some security measures.
And most importantly talk to Ebonshadow. Afterall he created Spar.
In response to DarkView
Good to see people still give a damn about spar. Shine on you crazy diamond.
However, I was told Krazzle was given control of the game by ebonshadow. During his time in command he got me to make icons for the game. Krazzle saw better things for the game, and decided to code it using realbasic, and make it 3D. This is where noone could be bothered and it all fell through.
And of course, a project this big requires dedication, especially with the 6 pages of criteria that needs to be put into code. I figure if I get 3 coders and someone to help me with icons, then send it to me and i'll compile/host, we'll be set. The major downfall of the original spar is their reluctance to release until the game was perfect.
In response to Agent Zer0
Well their reluctance to release an imperfect game was what made it good. They didnt just go "We said it would be out by Today, lets just give them exactly what we have compiled now".
Anyway your a little confused with what happened. Im pretty sure this is all accurate. Krazzel got it off Ebonshadow. Then after a while Goten87 decided too make a 2D non-BYOND based version of DBZ-SPAR, named DBZ-Spar: Quest.
This is the one that grew out of control. It went from a single player game, to a multiplayer game, too a 3D game, then back too a 2D game, then too a 3D game again. Last I heard it was still being worked on.
Anyway, back at DBZ-SPAR Krazzel handed it over too Darkness, the current owner. As far as I know its still being worked on, but its not likily too see the light of day.
If you want too look for more info http://teamebonshadow/dbzspar should be up still. That will give you a place too start.
In response to DarkView
It's not being worked on anymore...
In response to DarkView
Of course it's still being worked on. I have created a handfull of PiMPed out models which include: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo(without cape), Trunks(mirai/long hair), Krillen, Freeza, Perfect Cell, Master Roshi, and Android 17. I talk to Goten87 alot, and pretty soon, I will be skinning most of my models. As to Agent Zer0's posts, I could most definetly help you out in the sprites area. I have alot of "talent" so to speak. I could show you tons of my samples from 32x32, to large 32x64 sprites(which I prefer for any game, because you can add so much more detail). Leave your MSN/AIM-AOL/YAHOO screen name, any one of them, and i'll hit you up.
In response to Branks
sure. my msn is [email protected], and my aim is XAgent Zer0.
In response to DarkView
Thanks Fuzzy. And the link is down Darkness. it went down about a month ago
It never really disappeared, I just refused to put up with such a community like that. It WOULD however be nice to ask before you go ahead and remake a game that isn't yours. If your not going to be using any of the code and icons change the name, Spar isn't your. It may be a DBZ game but it was our work, so using any code from it is stealing. As far as icons go, do what you will with the RM2k graphics, as far as the ones we made you'll need permission for. I never got rid of Spar and might still start working on it. If you want to know more of my side read for why it isn't being worked on right now.

Thats all I have to say for now, if you want to contact me about maybe helping on the actual Spar contact me via Email: [email protected] or AIM: DarknessSpar. If I can get a few reliable people to share the work I might start working on it again with them. People need to understand I started working on that game because I wanted to see it go, I wasn't getting anything out of it. Thats all I have to say if you want to talk more about it just contact me.

(P.S. for most who don't know. DBZ-Spar and Spar Quest(the 3d one) are two seperate games)
In response to Darkness
I dont blame you for leaving with people saying stuff like that. The sad part is that if Spar was released the next day that person would be up with the rest acting like they where your best friend and never lost faith in you.
Anyway dont blame yourself, taking over a project is a lot harder then starting a new one in a lot of ways. Not only do you have to get used to the way the old owner did things codewise, but you have to live up to the impossible standard of 'the good old days' (Which where usually pretty crappy).
Then you have your 'team' your now in charge of, which usually turns out to be 5 people who are only there to get their name on the staff page.
Anyway, if you start up again do it in secret, go out and recruit team members (Make sure they all share a proffessional attitude), and dont take no guff from your team. If its obvious someone is just on the team too get some instant respect at the forums, kick them out.
Anyway, thats my rant.
In response to Branks
Really now...i could have sworn gotens wasnt making his 3d game DBZ...yeah...thats right...hes not...