In response to Tseng True Guerilla
The errors I can live with, but you were trying to say you didnt say something, which I then pointed out that you did say, which you then proceded to insult me. Apologize for that and its alright.
In response to Jotdaniel
I do that all the time sorry. I apologize. Ehh, enough with hte mushy stuff =P
In response to Tseng True Guerilla
Apology accepted. No more need be said.
Tupac supposedly faked his own death because of some murder/rape charges against him on his last record it says I'll be back 2003, he changed his name to some guy that faked his death along time ago or something I'm not a big Tupac fan or most rap but a lot of my friends like him and talk about this crap a lot. I didn't read the rest of the replies s someone might have said all this already. FYI he faked his death 7 years ago and USA law if someone is dead or supposedly dead for 7 years that all charges cant be brought back no matter what hence "I'll be back" and there was a lot of stuff about his tattoos were on the wrong side in the Pic. of him dead.

In response to Hendrix
There are statute of limitations laws, meaning, if someone commits a crime, if the police dont catch them within (ammount of time the statute for said crime is) then they can no longer charge him. This might be what you are thinking of, but I seriously doubt that if someone faked their death for a certain time frame the State would just say "Oh youve been thought dead, your free to go."
In response to Jotdaniel
Well it wouldn't be smart because the person who faked thier death can be murdered by anyone and the perpetrator will not be charged with anything. Double Jeapordy, right?
In response to Tseng True Guerilla
No, not true. If you kill someone, even someone thought to be dead, you will still be prosecuted. Even if they dont know who the person you kill is, you will still get into trouble.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
"what does not kill me makes me stronger"

I was very bored, so I thought about this statement.

(If this is wrong then correct me, It was over a year since I learned this, and we covered it briefly at best)

The statement is roughly "If it does not kill me then it makes me stronger." And, for all true statements, the contrapositive is true. The contrapositive being "If it does not make me stronger then it kills me." So doesn't that prove the original statement wrong by disproof of the contrapositive? (Assuming that the statement doesn't make sense, as it doesn't make much sense to me; I suppose it depends on what you consider making you stronger) Perhaps I butchered my logic, but I kept myself amused for a few minutes =P
In response to OneFishDown
Indeed...your logic makes sense to me. Ive never heard of this contrapositive you speak of, but from the context I think I get the gist of it. And yes I suppose you are correct.
In response to Jotdaniel
The statement is in the format: if p then q, "if it doesn't kill me then it makes me stronger."

The contrapositive is when you switch the p and q and negate them: if ~q then ~p, "if it doesn't make me stronger then it kills me."

I am pretty sure that for any true statement that fits that format, that the contrapositive is always true. Therefore, if the contrapositive isn't true, then the statement isn't true.
In response to OneFishDown
All i'm gonna say is that in his rap on "Better Dayz" labeled "Whatcha Gonna Do", he ryhmes the line:

"Niggas didn't wanna see me rise in 97' so i'll cut these motha f***ers down to size..."

Also he has an unreleased single where he raps about the September 11 attacks. And instead of NWA taking the words from one single and putting them in this one, it has Tupac
actually address the tradgedy directly in his lyrics.
I guess that can only mean one thing.

He survived for 20+ years on the streets of LA (Which is where I live) so I wouldn't bet against him to survive in Cuba/Tiawana or where ever he may be...
In response to Jotdaniel
But who would care there "dead".
In response to Hendrix
It does NOT matter WHO you kill! If you kill someone you WILL go to JAIL. Even if you kill some homeless guy, who no one knows, and most likely no one cares about, and they catch you, you WILL go to JAIL!
In response to Elliot Leonhart
He was shot, several times. He is dead. They have his body. They buried his body. This is a dead subject even, seeing as he is dead.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
He was shot, several times. He is dead. They have his body. They buried his body anymore. This is a dead subject even, seeing as he is dead.

Man don't be so stupid. If they had his body then we would know he was dead. This post is labeled: For anyone who knows anything about music....(So why the hell did you respond).

The thing that sparked the controversy is that while his body was put away before the funeral ceremony someone "stole" the body. Either that or he faked the whole thing with Deathrow and he escaped. But they don't have his body. This could mean a lot of things.
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