In response to Geo
Geo wrote:
Hey, there's nothing wrong with stating your opinion. You don't have to put up with being "flamed."

it's happened allot when people say good things about the Xbox here.

XBox rocks! You can run Linux on it! Umm... oh... so can PS2... PS2 rocks! Umm...oh... Macs and PCs and Amigas rock also, since they run Linux! w00h00!

In response to OneFishDown
lol the xbox's old controllers were almost as big as a gamecube :) ive used the controller S. it is alot better.
In response to digitalmouse
What about cheese. You can eat that whilst runnning Linux therefore it must rock!
In response to Scoobert
Yes but now Im even happier I bought A GC because soon, you will be able to play gameboy,GBC, and GBA games on it with a special part. Also, even though there not that popular, spy hunter (A 3d remake of the classic) and Luigi's Mansion (Hey, it has luigi so it has to be good!) are pretty good games.

~ Jermman
In response to Maz
oh..i forgot cheese! yes! Linux can run while eating cheese! cheese rocks!
In response to Geo
Actually the PS2 is made for more adult audiences. Considering it holds very few games fit for children, and is much less protected then the other systems(Notice how the plastic on it is very bendable and what not? While the Gamecube and the Xbox have a much more harder and protective covering.), this weaker cover is because it was made especially for adults. Children are not careful with items, but adults are, and since the PS2 was made for adults, to save money, Sony designed the plastic cover to be less resistent to pressure(In my theory at least!). My local Microplay shop carries controllers in small/medium/large for the PS2, and medium/large for the Xbox, and just 1 size for the Gamecube, so I suspect there are others which do the same and suggest you try one of those controllers out before complaining. The only problem is they are made by other companies instead of Sony, so they might not be compatable.

In response to Goku72
The original controllers for Nintendo were quite small.... It only had 4 buttons, 2 red ones(A and B), 1 start, and 1 select button. Then the most basic of D-pads. It was rectangular and it was about 3 - 4 inches in length and about 1 - 2 inches in width.

In response to Kusanagi
Actually the PS2 is made for more adult audiences.

actually, the only system made for kids more is the gamecube, the ps2 has more teen titles and xbox has some M titles. However, kids do play the playstation 2 the most.

is much less protected then the other systems

I don't beleive that would affect age wise, just how much they would want to protect it.
In response to OneFishDown
I absolutely LOVED the 64's controllers.
they werent too big, and they werent too small, just right.
In response to Geo
my theory is that the gamecube was originally designed to double as a soccer-cube, that way nintendo could make more money when people actually used its lost function, but for whatever reasons, we'll never know if this is true or not
In response to Geo
Please humor me on the list of M games for Xbox.... I can only think of 1 right now and its that spy game.

In response to Kusanagi
Blood Rayne, BMX XXX, DOA: Extreme Volleyball, Blade II, Dead to Rights, Deathrow, Enclave, Genma Onimusha, Halo, Hitman 2, House of the Dead 3, Hunter: the Reckoning, Kabuki Warriors, Max Payne, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Reign of Fire, Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams, Serious Sam, Tao Feng, The Thing, Ghost Recon, Turok: Evolution, and Unreal Championship are all rated M games, plus there will be more that I may expect this year. May I ask why is the playstation 2 better than a Xbox, of course I'm only asking this if you think it is better. The only thing I could come up with is that there are more companies supporting it which gives it more games.
In response to Geo
Thats not many compared to the playstation list... and some of those are also on the PS2. If you want to know why the PS2 is considered "better" by most, it's because it carries some of the more original, incredibly fun, and attractive games on the market. Who cares if you have a system that can process so much information that it can generate people from thin air with a super high tech laser eye beam which can also bake cakes. It has the more companies supporting it than the other systems because the game creators enjoy playing it(Can't forget those mucho mula benefits, but if it's expenses that gets game creators, then Microsoft would have everyone just about.). Next to the games, the reason why I like it is because you don't have to buy extra stuff to get the DVD player working, from my knowledge you have to get a special controller for the Xbox DVD player(Unsure about that.), and you have to get a special Gamecube with a DVD player addon.

Third, Gamecube has turned into a company that only works on bringing dead games back to life, very few of it's games which are only for it's platform are successful, unless the are remakes of old games, then again the remakes don't do great either. I'v played Xbox about 4 or 5 times, MechWarrior was entertaining to me for a while, I played it on and off, but then it got boring and the other players were worse than those of the CS community. Halo was great, but it's not much fun playing an FPS with the joystick, even when you get used to it. The other games I played were too horrible to even care to judge. Overall, I would buy an Xbox instead of a Gamecube, but I still feel the PS2 is by far the most entertaining system.


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