Dan and Deadron have recently decided to go all 'patriotic' and have said some frankly insulting things.
Now, that's the last thing I honestly expect after naming a game Colonisation and not Colonization. GROW THE HELL UP PEOPLE!
![]() Sep 9 2002, 9:24 am
Now, that's the last thing I honestly expect after naming a game Colonisation and not Colonization. GROW THE HELL UP PEOPLE! I don't know what they may have said, but you have to admit -- whether you spell it with an S or a Z, a game about people turning into colons is bound to inspire jokes. |
If you're going to complain about something, you aught to at least show people what it is you're complaining about.
I know how it's spelled, but I prefer my own spelling, because I like A's more than O's.
Aught to be spelled like this. |
then I wouldnt have to worry about them stabbing me in the back a second time, would I?
That scar was from when the gremlins attacked new york.
I wear the body armor because a dragon has been following me :) |
sufficed to say, I@m not looking at BYOND in brilliant light at the moment. Or anybody in America.
The frankly, racist insults (mostly not from Dan, but from Deadron) came via e-mail. Now, I'm not holding any grudges against those few people, but my rating of Americans has gone down from 0 to -10. Da_IHATEAMERICANS_Rushyo |
Da_Rushyo wrote:
sufficed to say, I@m not looking at BYOND in brilliant light at the moment. Or anybody in America. Dan's not the type of guy to shoot off racist insults, nor Deadron. They're not even remotely likely to say anything of the sort. I think you're wildly overreacting to something you saw in your e-mail, because what you're describing doesn't sound at all plausible. I'm much more inclined to believe you're just way too easily offended and prone to view things in this twisted light, particularly since you jump so quickly from being angry at Dan and Deadron to hating all Americans. I very much doubt what you saw would have been unsuitable for the forums, let alone e-mail. But if you don't want to post what you got, then why are you bothering to complain about it here? Lummox JR |
OOOH! Excellent way to join the crusade against intolerance! Instead of limiting grievances to individuals you feel have wronged you, write your grievances off as parts of larger stereotypes so that you can hate millions of people who you have never had even indirect contact with on the basis of the actions of a select few.
That'll show those intolerant, conservative right-wingers Dan and Deadron! |
Da_Rushyo wrote:
The frankly, racist insults (mostly not from Dan, but from Deadron) came via e-mail. Dealing just with this quote, though there's certainly enough else to disagree with in your post... like some others here, I'm very skeptical that either Dan or Deadron would say anything racist, let alone mail it to you. I'm curious what the exact comments are, and whether they were actually sent from Dan and Deadron's addresses. Z |
Being Canadian myself, I've seen Dan and Deadron both make jokes about Canadians, but I've always seen it in the strictest sense of fun, not anywhere close to intolerance.
Mainly, I put that beneath either of them. Deadron is a nice guy and Dan even more so -- are you sure what they said wasn't meant in jest? I've roleplayed to Dan with "it's aboot durned time, eh?" and Deadron and Gughunter have always had fun taunting our northerly ways (read: common sense ;-)) and cheap dollar (read: cheap dollar =P), but I never let it bother me because I knew they were doing it in the sense of fraternisation (or fraternization, in their case =P), not in the sense of insults. Leftley I wasn't sure about until I asked him directly about it, though. ;-) Or, wait, did I ask him aboot it, eh? |
IHATEAMERICANS If we do something, we're imperialists; yet if we don't do anything, we're unilateralists. This situation poses an insuperable existential dilemma for the modern American body politic. Perhaps if other nations would consider the root causes of our behavior instead of jingoistically clamoring for our destruction, things could be different. |
Da_Rushyo wrote:
sufficed to say, I@m not looking at BYOND in brilliant light at the moment. Or anybody in America. My only comments are that BYOND is a program, and it's silly to have a grudge against a program. America is a country, not a type of person. I'm stuck being an American by nationality (Foomerian by preference, however), but I am certainly not interested in patriotism. I don't agree with anyone who makes racist insults. You're free to dislike people who insult you, just don't take whatever you've got against a few people out on everyone. |
Wow, when I see 1 or 2 Canadian gangsters that gun someone down for example, should I say, "I hate all Canadians, because they are all violent gangsters that gun people down!" That is not true, and that is the same thing as saying people from America are all racist or something because someone said a joke you didn't like (or insult/comment/etc.) isn't eather. Someone's rude sense of humor (or whatever) doesn't make everyone from that country like that.
Are you off your gourd or something? There's no trace on the forums of anything you just described from Dan or Deadron--not that I can see. I really can't imagine either of them saying anything very insulting, particularly anything bad enough to get someone's blood up.
If you're reacting to an e-mail concerning your game or something like that, then why are you even bringing it to the forums in the first place? It's not as if anyone else has seen what you saw so they can decide for themselves how "insulting" Dan and Deadron were. And if you have a private grievance with them, then it's best kept private.
Lummox JR