When you turn a generator object into a string it returns something that, at a first glance, looks like it accurately represents the arguments passed to the generator() proc. That would be pretty handy for stuff like serialization of particle effects. However, at a second glance it is clear that the actual output is very different and it seems like this might not be intentional. If it is intentional I apologize.
EDIT: Seems like at least some of these issues might be applicable only to some generator types.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1.) Create a generator object with some arguments
2.) Turn it into a string and observe the strange output
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/x = generator("circle", list(10, 10), 5, NORMAL_RAND)
world.log << "[x]"
Expected Results:
Presumably something like:
generator("circle", list(10, 10), 5, NORMAL_RAND)
Actual Results:
generator(338, GAUSS\_RAND, 0, 5
The arguments are in different order. GAUSS_RAND is not even a macro in DM. There is no closing parenthesis. The vector has been replaced by a 0. The "circle" has been replaced by 338.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time
In other games? Yes
In other user accounts? Yes
On other computers? Yes
When does the problem NOT occur?
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit http://www.byond.com/download/build to download old versions for testing.)
In 514.1566 it seems that NORMAL_RAND instead displays as UNIFORM_RAND, other issues remain.
In case you want to extract information about the generator again track it in a separate list whenever generator() gets called.