print date(l, F d$datea Y, g:i s A);
It just says It is, I also tried echo
Aug 13 2002, 9:24 am (Edited on Aug 13 2002, 9:30 am)
I'm working with the date() function here is my code
$datea="th"; if(datea(d)==1){ $datea="st"; } elseif(datea(d)==2){ $datea="nd"; } elseif(datea(d)==3){ $datea="rd"; } print date(l, F d$datea Y, g:i s A); ?> It just says It is, I also tried echo |
Aug 13 2002, 10:37 am
I think PHP parses \th itself, if not you can surely check the user comments on the PHP.net page for date().