Not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm just surprised at how many of them are avid supporters of gay relationships. You may or may not remember me as a questioner of why there was no ability to play as a female character in the vast majority of them.

Anyway, searching through the games I realized something. Many of them have a 'marriage' command. Now, unless there are a bunch of female NPCs running around that can be married, this means that only PCs are the only eligible candidates, who are all males, and that the only marriages possible are between two males.

I want to applaud the openess of the Dragonball Fan community and I must admit that I am a bit surprised. With all the anti-gay sentiment these days, this is one place that I'd never expect to see such support from.
Yes! They're so enlightened, they even use the word "gay" as a perjorative, rather than as a reference to status!

Hats off to you, DBZers! =)
Whoa. That is really, funny. Now the DBZ haters have something on the DBZers. Since most DBZ game makers (or should I say, thieves) do not know how to code properly, these verbs probably won't be removed.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
Yes! They're so enlightened, they even use the word "gay" as a perjorative, rather than as a reference to status!

Hats off to you, DBZers! =)

*takes his hat off* Finnaly, some air can touch my head. Thanks Spuzzum! =)

In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum you little donkey hetero! Your such a freakin hetero man, nobody likes you you dang hetero! STOP DISSING DBZ YOU FREAKIN HETERO!

In response to Kusanagi
We have a homo in the building! Then dont dis spuzzum you retard!
In response to Mrhat99au
Mrhat99au wrote:
We have a homo in the building! Then dont dis spuzzum you retard!

Er? Aside from the use of the word "homo", which most people consider offensive, retard is also offensive.

Besides, I'm not exactly certain what you're trying to defend.

Kusanagi was using heterosexuality as a perjorative, since obviously no one uses it to describe gender preferen... oh, my mistake. =)
In response to Spuzzum
Oi, homo aint offensive it is just stating a fact! Oh sorry that was a little offensive. Sorry spuzzum i will try not to mess around as much.
Then why do DBZers call you a 'fag' when you make fun of their games? I mean, every time I see a Zeta rip, I will page the maker just so I can keep track of how they are getting the source code, most of them don't even change the map, however, some of them still say they hand coded it... with spam protector V.2... This is actually kind of curious, but I think I know why it has a marriage verb.

I recently stumbled upon a source code for Eyes of the Mysts: 1.3b, which was put up on the hub by RIEKO74, I downloaded it, seeing as this was my favorite game when it came out. I looked at the code and saw this in the mob/login() "Welcome to Dragonball Alpha Force!", and then I looked in the client/New(), it said this: "Welcome to tanks! Choose your team!"

He had copied and pasted code from 5 or 6 different games having nothing to do with EOTM, not even in genre, but had caused over 88 errors, and 73 warnings. By the time I removed all of the dragonball code, and all of the Tanks code, the game was a bare bones version of EOTM, which pissed me off. I am still working on reviving EOTM, since NeoHaxor is leaving.

I mean, considering I caught just one DBZer doing this, think about how many probably do this. Copying and pasting out of the forums, buying/stealing source code, and then copying and pasting THOSE, I mean, this is how they all come to suck. Except for the original Zeta, that is.
In response to RaeKwon
the words gay and fag are violent words to describe all kinds of homosexuals. again i must clear things up.




Homosexuals tend to be more attracted to the same sex while Bisexuals are equally attracted to both.

To clear another thing up, I fall under the category of Hedrosexual. While Im personally appalled at how ANY human being can be with the same sex whether it be lesbian or queer. I still believe in freedom of choice (there are limitations, law being one) and I will always defend the rights of others unless they are in some way harming another.

All in all, i would only show anger to a queer dressed as a woman deceiving straight men. but that is a HUGE difference from queer-queer lesbian-lesbian
In response to Dareb
once again... I think you should really find another key for the forums... You really do open your mouth at the wrong time and end up saying something completely idiotic... Just be quiet!
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Then why do DBZers call you a 'fag' when you make fun of their games?

Children tend to foolishly think that that word has any force behind it, its an empty shell of a word refering to a cigarette. While it would be accurate to call me a stick of a man filled with toxic and malevolent chemicals that can grow to be a cancer in the world (im refering to hate)

Its not just DBZers that do that, many people on byond use that word as an insult they all are under the wrong impression if they think homosexuality is evil. when the bible refers to soddom and gamorrah they were reffering to the orgies of people and that is the sin they spoke of. lust.

think of how many perversely take up orgies without a care in the world, having children by 'accident' and skipping town. of all these over-frequent tragic wastes of life walk the streets you all have to focus on homosexuals.

tsk tsk. shame on you all.
In response to Nathias
all i want from the dbz coders is for them to learn how to code off heart and then make a true dbz fangame, not a fangame of a fangame.
In response to Kusanagi
hedro......the word is hedro
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
once again... I think you should really find another key for the forums... You really do open your mouth at the wrong time and end up saying something completely idiotic... Just be quiet!

Reguardless of what someone says, telling them to cease voicing their opinion in this fashion will do nothing but start a flame war.

Telling someone to shut up is not adding anything to a discussion(certain aspects aside, like a moderator dealing with a post infringing on community standards), so please don't.

Thank you :)
In response to Ter13
try actually reading what i write, these are plain facts read the dictionary, an encyclopedia.

or are you afraid that im right?
In response to Dareb
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
hedro......the word is hedro

Excuse me? What dictionary did you find that non-word in?
In response to Dareb
Hedrosexual is not a word.

Perhaps you meant "hydrosexual," which means those who prefer to have sex under water.
In response to AbyssDragon
i used to spell it hetero but all around me corrected me, not to spite all i spell it hedro and it shall be spelled this way till the end of my days. if people correct me ill just shrug them off. :D
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