- You generally start out weak, and you have to learn and train in order to become stronger.
- You are usually forced to do boring and repetitive tasks, which you shouldn't have to do in the first place.
I find this interesting, because it is accurate in most of the RPGs that I can recall playing, but that's why I kept playing them. Now, I want to hear from you guys. What are your feelings about the article? Why do you play RPGs?
Anyway, on topic...
Fantasy RPGs usually have advancement like this because it provides one of the main goals, it sets the pacing to however quickly the player wants to play, and it's less of a hassle to go with it instead of making up your own system of advancement.
Boring and repetitive tasks are generally the plague of poor RPGs, like Runescape. I personally plan to make the process of earning advancement in Terra ex Machina fun (Entertaining quests/missions)