Oh great, you're gonna talk to Ken or something, and he's gonna give you the address to our MUD, then I'll be stuck with you =p (just kidding ;)
In response to SuperAshing
I know the address, and I might be a builder on it...or not... ^_^
In response to Geo
Its the rip off Dr.Evil Freedom, the Frickin' Freedom, the www.freedom.org, the whole not-so-full-bag of freedom with your name on it.
In response to RaeKwon
*Dr.Evil voice*Let me break it down to you, G.

RaeKwon - It was a joke.

Dracon - It was a joke.

Silent Bob - It was a joke.

RaeKwon - It was a joke.

RaeKwon - It was a joke.

RaeKwon - It was a joke.

RaeKwon - It was a joke.

RaeKwon - It was a joke.

Do I have to say it again? Gooooooood, it finnaly go through. If you can understand what all your "Players" say, then you should be able to answer that. I mean, you can understand things like this:

"raekwon wut r u gonna make fer dis next?"

"cun u go ssj?!?!?!?1 LMOAROFLLOLHAHAHHAHAHA ^^;"

Then, then should be able to understand what I just said.

I liked you Dracon and i thought you were one of the nicer supreme coders on byond beacuse alot of them are very mean to newbs but you were very nice to me And i thank you for that I wish you wernt leaving
In response to Lummox JR
Yeah. I mean, when someone starts flooding the forums with posts that take hours to load, which are written in all capital letters, you definitely shouldn't get mad at them. That makes you, like, normal or something.
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