Ok here's some things that I think about that no one else at the age of 17 thinks about ( I haven't met anyone anyways)...

Well I was talking to me friends and I am a very LOGICAL thinker...

I'll ask you some questions that I would normally tell my friends I would do...

I would buy a crappy beat up looking car and make the inside of it nice (cd player, good air conditioning) and then clean up the motor so it runs good... And call it good, would you? Or would you go out and spend an extra 10 grand and by the same car, but with way way better looks??

I would leave my yard crappy on my house and totally make the inside really nice, just so I could save some money on property tax and spend it towards other things... (of course I don't know much about taxes really so this could be totally bad) would you??

I wouldn't do drugs or alcohol, and I definately wouldn't go out and meet some stranger on the street and ask her for her phone call, would you do any of these?

I don't believe in being mean at all, I would never be mean and I haven't really in my whole life (I getm ad and I get mean, but I mean just t obe mean for no reason at all, call someone names etc) and I would never get in a fight... so my whole life I would sit there and take things, and not fight back, I'd just smile and laugh... I didn't believe in running which is why I jsut sat, and took it and I've done this my whole life... Would you adopt this way of dealing with things and why do you think it's flawed if not?

I would brather spend my money towards other things than clothes, so I'd wear my clothes until they fell off of me and then go buy some cheap ones at wall mart... Would you and why do you think this is flawed??

My x girlfriend used to get her hair dyed... but I don't understand why since there was a thing on the news about how it increase your chance to get breast cancer by 3x if you do it consistently... now I think, 70 bucks to get your hair done, and 3x more chance to die... Then what's the point at all of doing it ? She says it makes her happy, but happyness at the expense of money and life doesn't seem to make sense to me, how about you?

My x girlfriend also used to wear very revealing clothes... like would show al ittle cleavage, or was just really really tight... I told her what was the point of wearing those clothes since you're going out with me you're not looking for other guys... She said because it made her happy, I said but guys will stare at you all the time and some will come and hit on you... And you hate being hit on and stared at so it doesn't make you happy so how is it making you happy, do you see my logic? Explain why...

I am very against obsessing over normal every day objects and things, such as hair... Or cleaning your room.
I see no logic in cleaning up my room all the time just so it can look nice for a week then get dirty again later... Because everyone uses my room since the computers in there, but my parents yell at me consistantly to clean it up, yet I don't understand why... Since it only gets to a certain level of dirtyness and then it seems to stop and can be that way for months... Do you agree with me on my logic?

I'll post more of my logic and more deeper things like GOD even if this post gets replies... :)

Jon Snow wrote:
I would never get in a fight... so my whole life I would sit there and take things, and not fight back, I'd just smile and laugh...


My x girlfriend also used to wear very revealing clothes... like would show al ittle cleavage, or was just really really tight...

It's my understanding that girls like to look good. As she said, it makes them happy and raises their self-esteem. If they wear rags and never shower, how is that going to make them feel?

like GOD even if this post gets replies... :)

Oh god, no.

In response to Vortezz
ya I understand girls like to look good but there's a fine line between looking like a skank, and looking good.
I am one like you, although i dont like to get my cloths from walmart, but thats because walmart cloths dont last as long and are uncofotible. I tended to walk away from fighs, but not run, that makes a good excuse to the question "Why ya running?" it was simple "Im not, im walking!". Only fight i did get in was with this little short kid who lived next door, we fought, no real winner. The bus was still around so what everyone saw was me kicking his ass. Well anyways, most of the stuff you sed makes sence, but the reason wemon wear closes like that is because they like the extra atension. Doesnt matter how good of a boy friend you were, she would still wear that stuff. Im not the best looking guy in the world, so i didnt have many girl friends.
Here's some logic for you:

Things like cars and houses are property. They are assets that may be, when necessary, traded upon... borrowed against, or sold. No matter how nice the inside is, people are going to look at the exterior when they determine its value. If you need to use your house or your car to secure a loan, or you're going to sell it, it is in your best interest to have them look well-maintained.

Is this because everyone else's logic is lacking? No.

First of all, there's such a thing as aesthetics. A car that is pleasing to the eye IS more valuable than one that hurts to look at. You, who have in the past displayed a near-obsessive need to be liked and accepted, should take note of this.

Second of all, there's the fact that someone who lets a car or house deteriorate visibly isn't someone you'd trust to have done other important maintainence. After all, if they can't be bothered to even make it look like they're doing any work, why would they be bothered to do actual work?

Third of all, there's the fact that a poorly maintained house or car IS poorly maintained. Neglect the outside of a car, you're going to eventually have rust holes and other nuisances. Same thing on a house. If you neglect the yard, you could have whole colonies of pests you don't know about.

Fourth of all, there's the practical side of aesthetics. A car that looks like a piece of junk may be towed as a nuisance if your town or city decides to do a sweep. A bad yard doesn't really affect you so much as your neighbors... their homes are the ones with the view on it, and you'd better believe it that when they try to sell their homes, they WILL come after you for lowering their property values.

As far as your ex-girlfriend... apply your vaunted logic to a different side and ask why she's your "ex." If she cared about clothes, and you didn't, she may have been embarassed to be seen with you... if you actually said the things you said you said, she may have felt you were being possessive.

Don't get me wrong... I would agree that society puts too much stock in appearances. However, it is by no means logical to take a premise like that and thereby ignore the sanitary, aesthetic, and practical reasons for keeping a reasonable modicum of cleanness, neatness, and outdoor maintenance.
Jon Snow wrote:
I am very against obsessing over cleaning your room.
I see no logic in cleaning up my room all the time just so it can look nice for a week then get dirty again later... but my parents yell at me consistantly to clean it up

Amen to that my brotha!
Jon Snow wrote:
Ok here's some things that I think about that no one else at the age of 17 thinks about ( I haven't met anyone anyways)...

Well I was talking to me friends and I am a very LOGICAL thinker...

I'll ask you some questions that I would normally tell my friends I would do...

I would buy a crappy beat up looking car and make the inside of it nice (cd player, good air conditioning) and then clean up the motor so it runs good... And call it good, would you? Or would you go out and spend an extra 10 grand and by the same car, but with way way better looks??

No, lol. Get the cool car, get the cool chicks.

I would leave my yard crappy on my house and totally make the inside really nice, just so I could save some money on property tax and spend it towards other things... (of course I don't know much about taxes really so this could be totally bad) would you??


I wouldn't do drugs or alcohol, and I definately wouldn't go out and meet some stranger on the street and ask her for her phone call, would you do any of these?

I wouldn't do drugs....

I wouldn't ask anybody for her "phone call", I DO speak english :P

I'd probably ask a girl for her number if I talked to her for 5 minutes .

I don't believe in being mean at all, I would never be mean and I haven't really in my whole life (I getm ad and I get mean, but I mean just t obe mean for no reason at all, call someone names etc) and I would never get in a fight... so my whole life I would sit there and take things, and not fight back, I'd just smile and laugh... I didn't believe in running which is why I jsut sat, and took it and I've done this my whole life... Would you adopt this way of dealing with things and why do you think it's flawed if not?

I'm not going to fight somebody for the hell of it, but if they won't leave me alone, I'm going to put my chokehold on them.

Sariat's Choke Hold/AKA The Homeless Stretch

You get on top of the guy (he is face down), grab thier arm (dont matter which one), if its the left one, you pull it to the right so that its under thier chin so thier bicep touches thier throat. And keep squeezing, while doing this say "Do you hear that? Its you, choking, soon, you won't breate, your eyes will get heavy, you vision will get blury. And when you ass wakes up, you're going to be in a hospital bed or a coffin."

Damn right.

I would brather spend my money towards other things than clothes, so I'd wear my clothes until they fell off of me and then go buy some cheap ones at wall mart... Would you and why do you think this is flawed??

Thats good, I don't like to buy pants that are 50 bucks and shirts that are 30.

Go to Old Navy, same prices as Wal*Mart. I buy shirts anywhere form 1 buck to 12 bucks. Pants for less than 20 bucks, and they even got a discount rack! Woop Woop!

My x girlfriend used to get her hair dyed... but I don't understand why since there was a thing on the news about how it increase your chance to get breast cancer by 3x if you do it consistently... now I think, 70 bucks to get your hair done, and 3x more chance to die... Then what's the point at all of doing it ? She says it makes her happy, but happyness at the expense of money and life doesn't seem to make sense to me, how about you?

No Comment.

My x girlfriend also used to wear very revealing clothes... like would show al ittle cleavage, or was just really really tight... I told her what was the point of wearing those clothes since you're going out with me you're not looking for other guys... She said because it made her happy, I said but guys will stare at you all the time and some will come and hit on you... And you hate being hit on and stared at so it doesn't make you happy so how is it making you happy, do you see my logic? Explain why...

What the hell is wrong with that? Don't you want your (Ex)girlfirend to look hot?

I am very against obsessing over normal every day objects and things, such as hair... Or cleaning your room.
I see no logic in cleaning up my room all the time just so it can look nice for a week then get dirty again later... Because everyone uses my room since the computers in there, but my parents yell at me consistantly to clean it up, yet I don't understand why... Since it only gets to a certain level of dirtyness and then it seems to stop and can be that way for months... Do you agree with me on my logic?

No comment.

I'll post more of my logic and more deeper things like GOD even if this post gets replies... :)

Overall commment: You're F'ed up.
Jon Snow wrote:
My x girlfriend used to get her hair dyed... but I don't understand why since there was a thing on the news about how it increase your chance to get breast cancer by 3x if you do it consistently... now I think, 70 bucks to get your hair done, and 3x more chance to die... Then what's the point at all of doing it ? She says it makes her happy, but happyness at the expense of money and life doesn't seem to make sense to me, how about you?

Just a small comment here, merely on your observation of things. Saying someone has thrice the chance to contract cancer if they dye their hair is twisting words. Sort of like this:

50% of the teenagers in eight and ninth grade have unsafe sex. This in no way implies that 50% of the people in those grade(s) have sex, but that 50% of those that have sex don't use protection.

The chance to get cancer is somewhere under 3%, although im not sure exactly what it is. By dyeing your hair, your chance to get cancer is still under 8%. Your risk for cancer goes up more if you live around someone who smokes, have a life which contains excessive stess, and a million other factors.

Just a thought :)
Jon Snow wrote:
Ok here's some things that I think about that no one else at the age of 17 thinks about ( I haven't met anyone anyways)...

Well I was talking to me friends and I am a very LOGICAL thinker...

I'll ask you some questions that I would normally tell my friends I would do...

I would buy a crappy beat up looking car and make the inside of it nice (cd player, good air conditioning) and then clean up the motor so it runs good... And call it good, would you? Or would you go out and spend an extra 10 grand and by the same car, but with way way better looks??

I would leave my yard crappy on my house and totally make the inside really nice, just so I could save some money on property tax and spend it towards other things... (of course I don't know much about taxes really so this could be totally bad) would you??

I see where you're going with this... But I agree with Lexy's reply to it...

I wouldn't do drugs or alcohol, and I definately wouldn't go out and meet some stranger on the street and ask her for her phone call, would you do any of these?

I do not do drugs (not even Tylenol)... But I occasionally drink... But I can count the number of times I've actually been drunk on on

I don't believe in being mean at all, I would never be mean and I haven't really in my whole life (I getm ad and I get mean, but I mean just t obe mean for no reason at all, call someone names etc) and I would never get in a fight... so my whole life I would sit there and take things, and not fight back, I'd just smile and laugh... I didn't believe in running which is why I jsut sat, and took it and I've done this my whole life... Would you adopt this way of dealing with things and why do you think it's flawed if not?

I too am fairly non-confrontational... Especially in real life... I also take a lot of things... Or rather, took a lot of things... I don't really get any crap anymore... Once you move into the adult world, you really leave a lot of this behind... To my knowledge, I've never been truly mean to anyone, either... I'm sure I've said some hurtful things at one point or another...but I've never been the "bully" type...

I would brather spend my money towards other things than clothes, so I'd wear my clothes until they fell off of me and then go buy some cheap ones at wall mart... Would you and why do you think this is flawed??

I also buy most of my clothes at Wally World (heck, I work's just convenient to buy things I see no point in buying a pair of $50 jeans when a $20 pair from Wal*Mart will last me just as long... Same with shoes... I've never owned a pair of Nike's...and I don't care to... $20 shoes last just as long... And even if they don't, I can buy 5 pairs of them for the cost of one pair of Nike's... Either way, I still come out on top...

I've never been a slave to fashion and trends... I don't care what clothes make you "popular"... Never have... If what I'm wearing is all someone judges me by...then I really don't need them to like and it's never been a problem in my life...

My x girlfriend used to get her hair dyed... but I don't understand why since there was a thing on the news about how it increase your chance to get breast cancer by 3x if you do it consistently... now I think, 70 bucks to get your hair done, and 3x more chance to die... Then what's the point at all of doing it ? She says it makes her happy, but happyness at the expense of money and life doesn't seem to make sense to me, how about you?

My GF dyes her hair quite often... In fact, it's been a long while since I've seen her real hair color... It doesn't really bother me...but I often tell her that she should let it grow back to her real color... But she says she likes it better the new color... So she continually dyes it... Why should I care? If that's what she wants...let her do it... Of course she doesn't get the expensive salon hair dying... She gets hers out of a

Now personally, I will never dye my own hair...

My x girlfriend also used to wear very revealing clothes... like would show al ittle cleavage, or was just really really tight... I told her what was the point of wearing those clothes since you're going out with me you're not looking for other guys... She said because it made her happy, I said but guys will stare at you all the time and some will come and hit on you... And you hate being hit on and stared at so it doesn't make you happy so how is it making you happy, do you see my logic? Explain why...

My GF wears quite a lot of revealing clothing as well... But do I mind? Not a bit... It's something called security... I'm not threatened by other guys looking at her... In fact, it's a compliment to me...

I have no fear of someone taking her from me... So why should it bother me if they're checking her out? If any of them decided to hit on her and it made her uncomfortable, then I might step in... But I'm pretty sure she can handle

Heck, a few weeks ago, she went out dancing/drinking with some of the girls from her work... She later told me that she felt bad because some guy tried to dance with her... I told her that it didn't bother me at all... And why should it? It's not like she did anything wrong... And it's not like she's cheating on me... So what's there to worry about? See my point?

Besides... You can't tell me that you don't enjoy seeing a little bit of cleavage, or really tight clothes or

I am very against obsessing over normal every day objects and things, such as hair... Or cleaning your room.
I see no logic in cleaning up my room all the time just so it can look nice for a week then get dirty again later... Because everyone uses my room since the computers in there, but my parents yell at me consistantly to clean it up, yet I don't understand why... Since it only gets to a certain level of dirtyness and then it seems to stop and can be that way for months... Do you agree with me on my logic?

I too am not very obsessive over little details... I don't style my hair (just a straight comb out and be done with it)... I sometimes wear wrinkled t-shirts... I don't often clean my room... I never make the bed... Etc...

As long as you're clean and at least semi-presentable, I see no problem with it...

I'll post more of my logic and more deeper things like GOD even if this post gets replies... :)

Ummm...didn't we learn anything from the "God" post from the past week?

to be honest you are kinda communist...
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I didn't explain it all that well and in detail...
what I ment about the car is

I would do maintenance on it etc... like I said though it would be a beater up that I'll fix up for say half the price it would cost to buy a new one... So it seems logical to me since as long as the car is in good shape and not falling apart... and it gets me from point a to point b, what's the point of spending 10 or 20 grand more just for really good looks? (Of course if I'm going to pick a beater up to fix up I'm going to find one that looks half way decent).

and on the house, I would mow the lawn and such, but I'm a gardener and I do landscape design for people... my house would be plain... I would keep the house itself in good shape... so it wouldn't fall apart on me, of course. But I wouldn't do anything special... I guess I didn't explain this very well at all!! LOL but it was late so ya... But that's just to keep my property tax down so I can have extra money to spend on things that i Love like... boating, or flying or whatever...

And on teh terms of clothes and her not wanting t obe around me... I don't understand that!! Because I could be perfectly happy around someone if I have strong feelings for them... no MATTER what they're wearing!! They could wear a hot dog costume down town and walk around screaming for all I care... ( I hope I wouldn't have strong feelings for someone like that though... they might get hit by a car those costumes are dangerous!!)
In response to Vortezz
lol once again I didn't explain all that well... pure conversational is OK in my books... since it's good to let your emotions and frustrations out... And you can actually LEARN something from conversational fighting, especially fighting against someone like lexy.
In response to Alathon
yes but jsut because a ton of things in the world can raise your chance of cancer... doesn't mean it's ok to do them because your chances are going to raise anyways if you do this or that... all the MORE reasons not to do more things!

But what I was saying is, it raises your chance of cancer, it cost 70 bucks... and destroys your hair. So in my books it's not ok to do... but it makes her happy...

I HAVE A HUGE conflict of understanding happyness... Because like I said I look at the facts and if I don't see a reason to do it it just doesn't seem logical to do it!
I never see that hey, this'll make me or her happy!

But I'm trying...

I'm trying to change my ways!!
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
And on teh terms of clothes and her not wanting t obe around me... I don't understand that!! Because I could be perfectly happy around someone if I have strong feelings for them... no MATTER what they're wearing!! They could wear a hot dog costume down town and walk around screaming for all I care... ( I hope I wouldn't have strong feelings for someone like that though... they might get hit by a car those costumes are dangerous!!)

I dont think anyone is arguing how true your love is, or anything of the such. Are you telling me(and anyone else who happens to be reading this) that you dont have an inch of human lust in you?

In response to Alathon
Are you telling me you don't have a hotdog costume fetish? *gasp*
In response to Vortezz
I got confused over something similar during an interview between a news analyst and a woman who basically specializes in female looks and worked for some teen magazine.

He said, if women don't want to be seen as objects then why do they flaunt their bodies and basically bring on looks and stares that perpetuate the view of them as objects. The woman replied that they dressed that way because it made them feel good about themselves, not because they want that kind of attention. The problem is that it seems they feel good about themselves because they get those looks and that attention which essentially confirms their idea that they look good and are attractive. If they didn't receive those looks then they may think something is wrong with their look and wouldn't feel good about themselves. This is of course a generalization, I am sure there are women out there who feel good about the way they look but don't receive those looks.

Not being a woman, I may just completely misunderstand the situation but I found her responses to be misleading and confusing.
Well, I do believe in fighting. Life is war, don't kid yourself .... If you contemplate the true meaning of life on the Earth, you know all to well that "Peace" doesn't exist, has never existed, and will never exist. So there is point to fighting, since peace is just wishful thinking. This is a screwy post man. Why did you post it? Revealing clothes? Are you a Mormon?
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
I also buy most of my clothes at Wally World (heck, I work's just convenient to buy things

So basically, you wear T-shirts that look like this:

In response to Sariat
LOL sariat, you're always surprising me...

Have you ever had a relationship that went at least knee-deep? It doesn't matter... we're still teens, we can base things on looks and get away with it.

And John Snow, you do seem a little possessive. If she wants to look sexy, why stop her? I mean, you did like her, right? Plus, she trying to look good for you, and you probably hurt her feelings telling her not to dress like that. Just my view on it.
In response to Alathon
no I'm telling you that I don't need her to show off her body for me to have human lust for her!! I know her, and I like her alot not because of just her looks, but because of her mind and heart to! Just the fact thatshe's a great person, and she'swith me and was my girl I could have human lust for her just as much as if she wore nothing.
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