and repost them because they didn't get any replies? IS that still bumping since you deleted all the old messages? Since if you REALLY need an answer to something and no one maybe saw it or whatever because other threads covered it up... can you delete it and repost it?
Jon Snow wrote:
and repost them because they didn't get any replies? IS that still bumping since you deleted all the old messages? Since if you REALLY need an answer to something and no one maybe saw it or whatever because other threads covered it up... can you delete it and repost it?

I think it's still bumping... I can't be sure, but I'd say 99% of posts that go unanswered don't get that way because they got covered by other threads, but because no one knew the answer or cared enough to post an opinion -- something that won't change through a simple repost.

My advice is, if no one answers and you really need help, post again with more info about your problem, to make it easier for others to respond. (It'd be considerate in that case to delete the original post and make a whole new one, though not strictly necessary.)

Often posts go unresponded to because readers feel it's better to keep quiet than to post just to say something like "Sorry man, I got no clue." So you could also prod people to answer even if they aren't sure their post will help you.

Taking into account what Zilal said, remember that a bump (i.e. replying to your own post for the sake of bringing it to the top of the forum) after a few days is not frowned upon. However, if you still don't get a reply by the time it drifts off of page 2, then you should assume the worst and try to get input elsewhere. =P