For no real reason, I downloaded a DBZ episode in Japanese. When I saw this episode, I cried. Unlike the English version, the people didn't say corny lines. It was wierd; nappa said the f### word so many times I found it hard to believe this was a cartoon. And it had wierd violence and more blood then should exist in the human body. Has anyone else seen DBZ in japanese? I thought it was way better then English DBZ.

ps. has anyone heard that fox is going to make a live action dbz movie? doesn't that sound very stupid to everyone?
If they make a live-action Dragonball movie, I'm going to go to that movie, pull out a large fish, and beat everyone to death with it.
Nah, dont do that, cause you might have audiance members trying to fly atcha screaming Kamamamaaaaaaa, before they hit the chair infront of you leaving a rather nasty smear then some fan in the back row with horns on his head naming himself Freezer since he cant read the english subtitles right might pull out some kinda flash light and start attacking you with power beams.......

Will lunchbox make it out of the theather in time to warn the world of the mindwashing? will he be able to save the masses from certain stupidity?! stay tuned for the next eposide of DRAGON BALL MOVIE THEATHER FAN BATTLE THAT WILL NEVER END SINCE THEY NEED TO MAKE IT INTO ATLEAST 16 Eposides ZZZZZzzzz
Hey, hey, hey... why drag a movie into this forum? BYOND is for games, it's only for games, and did I say its
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Nah Byond, is a step from reality.. its like cheers
Where everbody knows your naaaame you wanna go where people know code problems are not the same, you wanna go where people think.. your insane.. *cheers!*
Dr Spock Dead Man Walking wrote:
ps. has anyone heard that fox is going to make a live action dbz movie? doesn't that sound very stupid to everyone?

Yes, but for a completely different reason.

Lummox JR
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Oh what's that? Someone didn't read my whole post, now he?, i mean, her, or, that is to say, it.
Yup... The original version is far better than what we see on Cartoon Network...

I've seen most of it subtitled (I own all 291 eps, but haven't gotten around to watching the first half of the series yet)

However, about the swearing... Don't fall for that one... The original version doesn't contain as much swearing as everyone would have you believe (including the less than perfect subtitlers)... A lot of the Saiyan Saga episodes were subbed by people who decided to spice it up by throwing in a lot of excessive swearing...

Remember, the series was still aimed at children...and even though Japanese kids can handle more mature things than American kids (at least by the general standards we've set) they still don't put that much foul language into their cartoons...

So the original may have contained a few minor swears ("damn" is about the worst) most certainly didn't contain the F word (or the Japanese equivalent)...

The guys who did the subtitles added those in on their own...
Silent Bob The Lunchbox wrote:
If they make a live-action Dragonball movie, I'm going to go to that movie, pull out a large fish, and beat everyone to death with it.

LOL, I'm glad that you (probably) don't live in New Jersey, or I'll have to ask my instructor to help! (ROFL!)