Here is a list of DBZ games on byond that should delete themselves.
1.DragonBall Epic Online
4.Dragonball: The New Era
5.DBZeta: Majins and Mystics
7.Dragonball Zen
8.Dbz The Final Resort
10.DBGT: Dark Universe
11.Dragonball X-treme RPG X
That's right, only Rae Kwon gets to keep his game. I think all of these games are wastes of time and dare I say it, talent.
Lucas Gates wrote:
Here is a list of DBZ games on byond that should delete themselves.
1.DragonBall Epic Online
4.Dragonball: The New Era
5.DBZeta: Majins and Mystics
7.Dragonball Zen
8.Dbz The Final Resort
10.DBGT: Dark Universe
11.Dragonball X-treme RPG X
That's right, only Rae Kwon gets to keep his game. I think all of these games are wastes of time and dare I say it, talent.

That's good for you. There is no reason to post this here, unless you hope to spark a flame war. Please take these ramblings elsewhere.

In response to Alathon
Gentelman, grab your flamethrowers.
I like DBEO...I go on there and say I am a GM undercover and I need to test out some items, it works ;)

And I kill them and they get mad at me for it...GREAT stress reliever :D
Lucas Gates wrote:
1.DragonBall Epic Online

Woohoo! I'm number one, I'm number one!
Lucas Gates wrote:
Here is a list of DBZ games on byond that should delete themselves.
1.DragonBall Epic Online
4.Dragonball: The New Era
5.DBZeta: Majins and Mystics
7.Dragonball Zen
8.Dbz The Final Resort
10.DBGT: Dark Universe
11.Dragonball X-treme RPG X
That's right, only Rae Kwon gets to keep his game. I think all of these games are wastes of time and dare I say it, talent.

The only ones that I disagree with are 4 and 5, though more 5 than 4. That's because they're the only Zeta's that have auto-Certifying.
Kick ass! My fan game(s) didnt make the list, yay me. But as for all of RaeKwon's DBZ games, They are too simple. Powerlevel gain is too fast and it lacks difficulty and/or originality in any part other than a login screen. But who doesnt do a login screen? *Looks at sariat*. I tell Kyle this all the time.

I believe you are just a simple newbie, and may go on even further to say a DBZer *this doesnt go for people that appreciate the anime, but children like you that post these things and look for the easiest games to play* I like DBEO because it has both originality in a sense, and difficulty *Although it has gotten pretty boring over time*

Please dont post things like this ANYWHERE on the forum, even if you do worship RaeKwon and Dracon, why dont you take time to build a website. Hell even build a shrine, who cares if religion says you are going to hell?


P.S: I corrected L.A in the general forum! GO LOOK EVERYONE! IVE MADE HISTORY *joking*

In response to Lucas Gates
Apparently everyone wants to say it, but probally don't want to start a flame war, so i'll say it for them. Lucas , don't be an ass, people put time and effort into these games because they appreciate the DBZ Anime series(except for the Zeta rips). How the hell would you feel if you put all your time into making a game then someone came around and said "it should delete itself"?
Think before you speak next time, Sherlock
In response to Stimulus
Actually these games are crap. Any half ass programmer could make them in 2 minutes. And they all steal ideas from eachoter. They are just a plague; a disease. You don' know [expletive deleted] so just shut up. They suck horrible, haven't you played them? If it's not totally crappy icons, it's another dbzeta.

[Watch your language on the forums. - Forum Moderator]
In response to Lucas Gates
Any half ass programer eh..Tell me, what game have you ever made that people actually play without you begging them to come? And you say the steal ideas from each other, thats like saying you stole the idea of posting in a forum because you weren't the 1st too. If you had the slightest bit of common sense you would think maybe, just maybe they are getting ideas from the show, you know, the one they are making the game about....
In response to Lucas Gates
Alright lucas, I believe I speak for everyone when I say, your done. Stop your meaningless posts and swearing doesnt help, inform, or amuse anyone. Thus you are meaningless, and I believe a forum moderator should stop this before it goes any further. Grow up a bit, and think about what your saying before you say it.


P.S: I believe cable-type language is acceptable on here, just dont murder it.
In response to Stimulus
[Content deleted by Forum Moderator]

In response to Lucas Gates
Umm lucas you know its pretty hard to make up your own ideas when it omces to dbz beacuse there makin the game from a anime series jackass so youi would think that peopl will get the same ideas
In response to Lucas Gates
Lucas Gates wrote:
Actually these games are crap. Any half ass programmer
could make them in 2 minutes. And they all steal ideas
from eachoter. They are just a plague; a disease. You
don' know shit so just shut up. They suck horrible,
haven't you played them? If it's not totally crappy
icons, it's another dbzeta.

1) Foul language is heavily frowned upon and prohibited here - so back off or get blackballed;

2) Inciting a flamewar with your 'get your flamethrowers ready' attitude can also get you kicked off;

3) Do you know the phrase "bring it, don't sing it" ? You believe these games are crap, yet we see no proof that your skills are any better than those who actually have published material. Why don't you prove them wrong by developing something better - instead of complaining about it... you would then be contributing something positive to the community, not bringing it down...
All DBZ fangames should not exist. They are all breaking copyright, which the last time I checked was illegal.

In response to NeoHaxor
Title Screens arn't worth the lag/Download :P
In response to NeoHaxor
They are too simple. Powerlevel gain is too fast and it lacks difficulty and/or originality in any part other than a login screen.

Well, Ken, sorry to break it to you, but your "new" Fighters of Legends is turning out to be just like every other Dragonball Z game (I personally loved the "old" FoL). I played it for a bit, and I believe you gained power way too fast. Also, Originality is also the same way as most - get to be the "powerfulestestest"! The top control-bar is great, but you really need to add some originality to your game.

I'm not saying that its bad - it's the best Dragonball based game out there. But you really need to add stuff too it, or else it's going to turn out 'bleh'. (The graphical control-bar won't save you! Muhahahaha!!)

-=Silent Bob (Chris)=-

P.S.: Dragonball Epic Online is the most original Dragonball game out there! ^_^
In response to Lucas Gates
Lucas, attacking other users is not permitted.

In several posts that were deleted from this thread, you used vulgar language that is also not permissible on the forums. Do not use that language again.

This is an official warning.
In response to Seige1010
Attacking other users on the forums is against the rules.

Vulgar language you used in another post (deleted) is not allowed on the forums. Behave yourself.
In response to Lummox JR
Also, I hear that the Black Orafice is a virus, so I am assuming its a threat of hacking. Lucas, it is good to have alot of friends, if you didn't ask so childish you may have some too...
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