i am new to this forum, and it seems like a majority of the topics have something negative about Green Dice.
is he a spammer? implant viruses?
just wanted to get the feeling of the board.
and please dont talk down about him, just inform me please
![]() Apr 21 2002, 6:01 pm
What Foomer said... but it's not just that he's broken a few rules, it's that he can't seem to understand what's wrong with that, or stop after being repeatedly told to.
He likes to use the Forums as his own private arena for his little in-fighting with a few other individuals... it makes it difficult to use them for their intended purpose when you have to wade between the latest saga in the ongoing, poorly written soap opera that is his existence. After the last warning, he seemed to have gotten himself under control... but it never lasts. Granted, it's not just him. The people he picks fights with are almost just as bad. They both seem to think that if they can get the other to start something, they can act with impunity... unfortunately, there's a bit of a fine line involved, in enforcing rules that are designed to keep the forums a friendly and open place, so I'm not sure what the solution is. |
i find this kind of funny
it reminds me of the movie Jay and silent bob strike back. holden says (cant remember exact line)"internet is for slandering people anonymously" it kind of seems to apply here |
Green Dice himself quotes that... but I don't think he (or you, for that matter) really gets the point, though. Holden wasn't saying that it's good that the internet for slandering people anonymously... the movie was (quite accurately) portraying internet trolls as being stupid, spineless little twerps who hide behind a screen name and can barely string five letters together. If this is the kind of person Green Dice fancies himself, fine, but he should fancy himself somewhere else... this part of the internet is for making and sharing games.
People wanna have their stupid little wars, they should have them in chatrooms or instant messengers, where they can do so privately. |
and lets let the adults who waste their time on the internet judge other people on how they act and make fun of peoples typing as if they can tell when someone (in real life)says a comma or a period outloud. you get the jist of the message you just feed off of mispellings like it actually fits the person when they are actually just trying to get a message out while not holding to the school rules.
GreenDice wrote:
and lets let the adults who waste their time on the internet judge other people on how they act and make fun of peoples typing as if they can tell when someone (in real life)says a comma or a period outloud. you get the jist of the message you just feed off of mispellings like it actually fits the person when they are actually just trying to get a message out while not holding to the school rules. How are you to know whether anyone is wasting their time or not? Isn't that for them to decide? You seem to think people are only trying to correct your grammar, that you're just coloring a little outside the lines and that's okay. That's not the case, because we have very little problem with people like that. Your problem is that you radically stand against all rules of conduct--that is, polite behavior, which has nothing to do with grammar. You break them repeatedly and don't care that you do so, no matter how many times you're warned or merely asked to stop. You are, in short, a troll, and that's completely different from being a free spirit who now and then doesn't dot his i's. In case you haven't realized it, GreenDice, the only reason you're still posting here at all is that Dantom have chosen to be extremely lenient with you. Even people who've been willing to re-accept Dracon after his spamming incident (myself included) have still called for your dismissal. I myself have said you've been given far too many second chances; you seem to have no interest in showing a little respect to other forumgoers, or of ever improving. You've had an inordinately long fuse but it's about to burn out. Take this warning for what it is, and realize that you can't go on behaving as you have. Indeed you can't even afford to change gradually. It's all or nothing; shape up immediately. In the spectacularly unlikely chance you'll act on this advice, I'll offer a few tips for how you can keep out of trouble:
Don't respond to the idiots who are baiting you with new threads. Normally I'm not a fan of the "don't respond" school of thought, but in your case it's an absolute must; I can't imagine any good coming from you posting a reply. |
You can tell when someone says a period or comma outloud. Look at these two sets of instructions:
"Shoot Bill and Jan. Get the car." "Shoot Bill. And, Jan... get the car." Same words... totally different meanings. If somebody said them outloud, you could tell which one they meant by where they paused and how they inflected the words... "saying" punctuation. Now look at a "sentence" like this: shoot bill and jan get the car You can't look at something like that and even begin to tell what it's really trying to get across, unless you already know the speaker's intent with regards to bill and jan... of course, if you're the one speaking, you'll already know what you mean, so you look at your own sentence and it makes sense to you, which is exactly why you think it doesn't matter. Of course, this is all beside the point... the things we're talking about have nothing to do with spelling or punctuation. No one ever got banned for poor spelling. You know what it is that you do. |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
You can tell when someone says a period or comma outloud. Look at these two sets of instructions: Lexy:"He likes to use the Forums as his own private arena for his little in-fighting with a few other individuals... it makes it difficult to use them for their intended purpose when you have to wade between the latest saga in the ongoing, poorly written soap opera that is his existence." yeah we arent picking on my spelling when we complain about me are we |
Lummox JR wrote:
GreenDice wrote:
Don't respond to the idiots who are baiting you with new threads. Normally I'm not a fan of the "don't respond" school of thought, but in your case it's an absolute must; I can't imagine any good coming from you posting a reply. |
GreenDice wrote:
Lexy:"He likes to use the Forums as his own private arena for his little in-fighting with a few other individuals... it makes it difficult to use them for their intended purpose when you have to wade between the latest saga in the ongoing, poorly written soap opera that is his existence." I find your newfound use of "we" a little disconcerting, as if you're classing yourself with the people who are complaining about you. I think you're actually doing it to be snide, but if you look at it literally--sister, you ain't part of no "we". But no, she isn't picking on your spelling, as the quote says very well. She's blasting you for your continued abuse of the forums. She left out, by intention or accident, your propensity to make up your own cheering section (what is this now--3 aliases?), which you use to either attack others or to... well, I'm not sure what you intended by this thread. It's not like you give a crap about how many peopel in the forums despise you, or you'd have improved your behavior ages before now. If you're hoping for someone other than your phantom cheerleaders to talk you up, you should invest your hopes elsewhere--like in peace in the Middle East. Lummox JR |
Lexy:"He likes to use the Forums as his own private arena for his little in-fighting with a few other individuals... it makes it difficult to use them for their intended purpose when you have to wade between the latest saga in the ongoing, poorly written soap opera that is his existence." No, we aren't. If I had meant your spelling, I would've said spelling... I said your fights are like a poorly written soap opera... i.e., predictable and formulaic. Anyway, again, your fixating on spelling as if by proving that spelling bad isn't so objectionable, you can justify everything you post. It doesn't work that way. Spelling isn't the problem. You could have the best spelling and punctuation in the world and your posts would still be unacceptable. In the interest of not perpetuating your little game any further, I'm not going to post any further clarifications on this subject. |
Basically, he's violating a lot of the Community Standards (found by clicking the little Help button above).