What kind of Demo's and Librarie's would you guys like to see?
-Kappa the Imp
Apr 11 2002, 1:41 pm
Apr 11 2002, 1:43 pm
BIG ONES! with flashy letters and guns and splatters. Or how about taking your hand at the drag build thing that Tazor has been tryimg to figure out.
Hmmm, one thing that I starting think of is an electricity demo. Like there is a main generator. and that supplies powers to the power lines which supply powers to the fuses that powers the house/light-poles. If a wire is cut or broken, electricity doesn't go in or barely does.
In response to Sariat
Actually I may try that one. I need for my game anyway. Electric fences really. I could use your ideas too. There is one really easy way to do it. You know you just gave me a great idea for a game.
In response to Exadv1
I'm charging for 10% of the profits.