The Simpsons:
Although often accused of being lowbrow, The Simpsons is unique among successful TV shows in that it's never afraid to make jokes it knows will go waaaaaaaaaaaaay over (or simply waaaaaaaaaaaaay off to the side of) entire key segments of its demographic. (Witness the elaborate 'The Prisoner' episode. Hey, kids... remember The Prisoner? Didn't think so!) Like most "veteran" TV shows, the Simpsons has become a sick, sad, self-referential parody of itself in its later years, but unlike most shows, it's very good at it.
Rules for watching: Preface viewing by reading all the cards in Trivial Pursuit, any edition, followed by six random volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica, followed by a random sampling of pop (and off-pop) culture, like what you would find in the Uncle John's Bathroom Reader series. Otherwise, you're liable to miss a lot of the "in" jokes.
Powerpuff Girls:
This hilarious send-up of both American and Japanese cultural phenomena is often underappreciated by those who either have not enough or too much appreciation for either, or both. (Translation: to fully get this cartoon, you have to "know" the subject matter, but not take it too seriously.) I myself derided this show as another lame Cartoon Network offering until my younger sister shanghaid me into watching a Thanksgiving weekend marathon a few years ago.
Rules for watching: Gasp along the characters. It's more fun if you do.
Was much better before it was a soap opera.
Rules for watching: Try to catch the earlier episodes.
Justice League:
Although the extra-long premiere episode contained the one obligatory reference to "Super Friends," it was also loaded with allusions, subtle and gross, to such disparate sources as War of the Worlds and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. The episodes since then have been as intelligent as the very best episodes of the modern Batman and Superman cartoons, and have something that both of those lacked: an interesting interpretation of Wonder Woman.
Rules for watching: Whenever Aqua Man appears in any context, you must say "My ability to speak with fish is of no use in this situation" in a very serious voice. Whenever Wonder Woman ropes someone/thing (golem, tentacle, monster, robot, etc.), you must yell "Make it tell the truth!"
Dragon Ball:
This Japanese import has been dumbed down so far in translation that the American television viewing population would no doubt be insulted if they were not, in fact, American television viewers. I gather it has something to do with "ki force," which in this context at least is apparently a Japanese word for testosterone, and has actually managed to convert a disturbing number of pre-and-barely teens to an unrecognizable hybrid form of eastern mysticism. I plan on making my own cartoon, where Galactic Warriors use scented candles and feng shui to increase their power level, then opening a New Age store to capitalize on the boom.
Rules for watching: Don't.
![]() Feb 17 2002, 9:25 pm
Super16 wrote:
Just grab a drink some chips, plop on the couch and watch entertaining shows. Now whats better than that! Hmmm... three letters come to mind... ~X |
Say, Lexy, have you ever seen the Samuri Pizza Cats? I don't think it's on television anymore, but it was a rather amusing cartoon. Do a serch online if you're interested. It was (or so I've gathered) a parody on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I wish someone would bring it back. I think Fox is going to be purchasing it in some future deal, so it might make it to the Fox Family Channel.... I hope.....
~X |
Super16 wrote:
Lesbian Assassin wrote: Thats line that Lexy posted there was about DragonBall. Not all T.V. :-P, hehe. Lee |
What's better than watching TV shows? Well, one obvious rival is reading... something you might try actually doing with my post before responding.
Dragon Ball/Z is the best TV i have seen in a while. At least in Japanese with subs. As for the Simpsons they are boring, i like Futurama. "Bite my shiny metal ass"-Bender =p |
Futurama doesn't take the risks that Simpsons does... it knows that a million morons will laugh at a robot saying "Bite my shiny metal ass." It is a good show, though. Or was. Haven't you heard? It's been cancelled. The episodes you're seeing now are just rigor mortis setting in.
Dragon Ball: That is, for lack of a better word, rude. Joke or not, that was just a random insult pointed toward the masses that like Dragon Ball/Z/GT based upon opinion (I must really be asking to get flammed for this and be a troll lurer). I really cannot find the right words to say "That was a completely idiotic guide/review of dbz" so, I'll just say that was a completely idiotic guide/review of dbz AND it sounds like you have not even seen DBZ. You really like to leap out and insult anything you know of, no? -Geo, Apprentice mage, Dance Dance Revolutionist, and wielder of a katana -Messenger of the Earth, Geo |
Devil Man wrote:
Seems the United Kingdom is the least informed of things. Apprently so. Oh and i live next door to Gojira =p You think we care? |
Nadrew wrote:
Devil Man wrote: Wrong, :-P The UK isnt the least informed of things. Its equally the same as most of the other countries. The fact is that the UK is one of the slowest information retrieving islands in the world. I know I live in the UK like, but, I know that its one of the slowest islands to retrieve information as such. Sometimes alot of the UK people just couldnt give a damn about this information because apparently they are just too bone idle to get off their ass and look for this information hehe (look at me calling my kind ^_^) Oh and i live next door to Gojira =p This, in your terms is in fact a "No" hehe. Not many people care where others live. I dont really care where people live, but, if I am making a convosation with someone this in general normally pops up in the convosation somewhere hehe. Lee |
Well lets take into account many things which hardly ever reach this sorry excuse for a country England.
1. Movies take about 3-10 months after US/Japanese release to get here. Even India get it before us. 2. Games Such as Metal Gear Solid 2 take months after US/Japan/Developed countries to get for US release. Lets not forget DBZ games for PS,PC and Snes that never cam out here. I really Doubt the GBA game "Legacy of Goku" will come out here. 3. Bruce Lee's book "The toa of Fighting" never came out here either. If you ask around of gamers/movie going people you will see what i mean/feel. |
That is exactly what I thought about that section of the post. It was blatently rude. I am no DBZ fanatic, nor do I watch anime often. Still, I have respect for the market and the fans of that market. Joke or not, I think that such a post is quite out of line and is simply asking for trouble.
-Lord of Water |
Come on people STOP this arguing.
So what Lexy wrote. Thats her own opinion on what she thinks/does with her life while watching Television. They are mere opinions of how people should watch T.V. I agree on what she said but the DBZ part, I watch the cartoon like but still I dont think you should all start pointing the blame on her right now. Anyone in the world has the right to post this. Its in babble, which means babble on about anything. So drop this pointing around and saying its wrong to post this. Well guess what, its not wrong people. Babble is for us to waffle on about anything we wish to speak about. So why not let this be what it is and stop making a massive fuss over it. Lexy said her part and she said it well. Like I said above I dont agree with the DBZ part. I dont really care about that though, I read it and thought it was cool. So why dont you lot just drop the pointing and fussing over this and leave it alone ok. Lexy meant no harm and its doing no harm what so ever. The only ones doing harm here are you lot who are going on about what Lexy wrote. Just leave her alone ok and just stop this disagreement and live alittle. I hope you take this in and stop what your doing as I for one think its pathetic. Lee |
If Lexy should be faulted for anything, it's for being too soft on everything else, not being too hard on DBZ... and I don't see those other cartoon reviews exactly glossing over the other cartoons' shortcomings.
Mellifluous wrote:
Come on people STOP this arguing. Opinions, anything you want? what about the blasting my post got? |
Devil Man wrote:
Opinions, anything you want? I had nothing to do with your post mate |
Mellifluous wrote:
Nadrew wrote: Didn't you? |
Hey, TV shows are great. So I have to disagree with you Lexy. I endorse watching TV. Just grab a drink some chips, plop on the couch and watch entertaining shows. Now whats better than that!