Did you not read the page we're talking about? Besides borrowing (and taking extreme liberties with) some very common guided meditation techniques, it's got nothing to do with eastern spiritualism, and everything to do with delusional preadolescents.
It sounds like something my brother would do daily. He tries to blast things using wierd powers all the time...
At the risk of being shunned like the lonely little crypt-dweller I am... (Love me world, I need hugs)...
Lesbian Assassin wrote: [snip] 1. WHY??? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND PURE IN THE UNIVERSE... WHY, OH GOD, WHY? [snip] ...because every other game-making community already has a billion Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior clones. ...because Capcom clones its Street Fighter franchise enough as it is. ...because Dungeons & Dragons has been done to the point of cliche. ...because the BYOND community in general would rather focus on a single show than the bad habit of using content you didn't create. ...because being a fan of a serialized show makes you something of a fanatic to begin with. ...because DBZ works off of content from one of the greatest stories in Asia. ...because those outside of Japan have to import expensive DBZ games that are not translated (plus not always very good to begin with). ...because instead of speaking like a reasonable being to those with DBZ games looking for help, the BYOND community in general would rather whine and insult DBZ so those looking for help can only view the general BYOND community as idiots. Mind you, I have not had any problems with anyone myself and I do appreciate the help I have been given. (Of course, I don't have a DBZ game.) However, I have witnessed roughly 2 months of a consistant pattern of one immature DBZ request followed by a whole bunch of immature, elite BYOND drivel. Maybe DBZ fans caused the problem at one point. I wasn't here so what do I know. However, within the forums, it has come full circle and they are quite possibly the least disruptive. But I mean it's cool, right? Nice flag. (That said, what troll wouldn't pick a name hated by the community to raid a game with? People who play a game just to ruin it are people who play a game just to ruin it. Stomp them.) PS: This post focuses on a general notion, not a particular person. |
I do go off on many random tangents here, but I find most of the information to be actually relevant and important to the general subject as a whole. I bring in information that might look irrelevant at first glance, too. I don't think it is. =)
...because instead of speaking like a reasonable being to those with DBZ games looking for help, the BYOND community in general would rather whine and insult DBZ so those looking for help can only view the general BYOND community as idiots. Yes, but you must understand that there is a point when any sensible person says "Enough is enough." That enough-is-enough boundary was reached quite a while ago, and despite attempts to squelch peoples' ways, more and more of these games are popping up every day. You'll note that most of the people who code well around here, with a couple exceptions, did not make any DBZ games. There's a reason I, for one, did not -- because I think that creativity stimulates the mind. I've been as creative as I can and I've mastered most parts of the language that I've tried (naturally, you can't master all parts of the language -- I don't think anyone can). I'm also making a generalisation, but for the most part I see carbon copies of the same thing, regardless of whether it used the same source code or not. Same concepts, same everything -- it started around the time Ebonshadow closed the betas on DBZ-Spar and ballooned out of proportion, with everyone copying each other without a single sense of humility, originality, or rightful ownership (and this is avoiding the pirated material debate -- I'm talking about graphics and source code). Mind you, I have not had any problems with anyone myself and I do appreciate the help I have been given. (Of course, I don't have a DBZ game.) However, I have witnessed roughly 2 months of a consistant pattern of one immature DBZ request followed by a whole bunch of immature, elite BYOND drivel. I'll defend myself here, since I don't speak for anyone else -- I'm not taking offense, just stating my case ;-). I don't insult anyone unless being insulted first, but I think I have permission to insult any*thing* without need for providing justification. Despite that fact, you'll also notice that I normally don't participate in counter-DBZ threads any more... nor do I normally participate in pro-DBZ threads. The only thing that I do is read them over and comment on peoples' obviously biased or incorrect information, if any. I do occasionally poke fun at people for not typing in English (or just for fun, try out typing in almost--but-not-entirely--completely-unlike-English). There's a reason why every word exists -- otherwise it wouldn't exist. Every bastardisation of an English word is just confusing things without need. Unless a post is formulated in a language that I can understand (English or French), then there's no chance that I'll be able to help with any degree of accuracy. I accept typoes, lack of capitalisation, split infinitives, etc... everyone makes mistakes... but when someone doesn't type properly because they are simply too lazy (or they think it is "kewl"*), that bothers me a lot. Maybe DBZ fans caused the problem at one point. I wasn't here so what do I know. However, within the forums, it has come full circle and they are quite possibly the least disruptive. I find nothing cool about insulting people (I'm the kind of person who believes in retaliatory reaction -- never aggression). I find it even less cool when someone makes a game without apparently putting any conscious thought into it and then demonstrates that they have no incentive nor desire to attempt to put said thought. Simple questions like "How do you teleport" can be answered in one or two mouse clicks on the left hand frame, yet we still see them every day. It is more work to log into the forum and make a post than it is to download something on your own time... but we still see them every day. Anyway, I think I was one of the first to say that I won't help people who are making DBZ games, and a few others have followed suit (on their own accord). Even so, every so often I'll break my own established code and go right ahead and help someone who makes a DBZ game. Not because I feel forced to, but because I feel like it -- it's all a matter of opinion, and if someone talks to me in a nice way (not suck-up, since I dislike being flattered), I'm happy to help. And it might help to know that I don't always help people with problems in any game, DBZ or not. Quite a few people make non-fan-games and ask me questions, but the questions they ask are poorly formed, answerable if they had read what they should have read before jumping into the thick of things, or incredibly complex and not really worth my time to work on. Mainly I have a bias against people who come across as unduly stupid -- it doesn't matter what their IQ is, if they don't look smart or nice to me, I don't often feel like helping. I will admit that fact. I dislike several people. Others have proven my initial opinion wrong. Still others have gone so far as to actually change my opinion altogether about many things. I don't know all of the facts about most people I see here. I can admit that, yes. But if they want me to get a correct assessment, then they had better give me more facts that aren't just speculation. (That said, what troll wouldn't pick a name hated by the community to raid a game with? People who play a game just to ruin it are people who play a game just to ruin it. Stomp them.) I agree... I never play games to ruin them, and no one else should either. I do use a key to annoy people... but 'CoNaN666 the Modern Barbarian' is actually self-restricted to only several games that belong to people I know or trust. I never use it to annoy people anywhere else except under the confines of a game belonging to someone whom I know. And in such a case, I usually make it fully known to everyone that I'm just joking around, by interjecting friendly comments amidst a stream of meaningless AOL babble-speak. If I ever get out of hand, the game maker has every right to tell me to stop, and I respect that. =) PS: This post focuses on a general notion, not a particular person. There's no confusion on that issue unless you mention anyone's name in the post first -- of course, some people might take personal offense anyway; I didn't. =) * "Kewl" should technically be pronounced "kyool" according to standard English pronunciation... but let's see me convince anyone of *that*. ;-) P.S. It's good to finally see an unbiased opinion around here! I've been waiting intently for someone to comment neutrally rather than taking sides. |
Why is the "BYOND elite" so against the BYOND DBZ community and not against the BYOND Final Fantasy community?
Because there is no BYOND Final Fantasy community. I despise all "fan" games equally... there's just more DBZ games to despise. I will deride anyone who posts "wut is the kode to telport and fly and sum1 make my game 4 me"... it's not my fault that 99% of these people are named Vegohaku. BYOND has finally reached the point where I feel comfortable making what was my original BYOND game idea. It's called Spelloria. It was originally called Eloria, with the main race of the world known as Elorians, but since an Elorien has joined BYOND in the intervening time and I don't want to create any more confusion than is strictly necessary. I can't go into Lexiconomy with any of my Lexy keys... just because you never lose at a game and have a remotely similar name, everyone thinks you're an admin with special powers or something... anyways, though, even with a name change, the idea was always the same. Specifically, the idea was to make a game very similar in look, feel, and style to the original Legend of Zelda. No, not to make Zelda Online. Not to "port" Zelda to BYOND. Not to make an "unofficial" sequel. If any of those things were my goal, I'd be done by now. It's easy enough to reach the heavens if you're already standing on the shoulders of a giant. I confess, when I finally sat down to make Spelloria, my first, almost irresistible impulse was "Hey, give in... just make Zelda Online!" It's just a few weeks later (if that... Lexy doesn't really understand this mortal concept you call "time"), and I am so very, very glad that I didn't. Instead, I took some of the most basic and enduring ideas from Zelda and tried to make a unique and original game that captures the feel of what made Zelda so great. I have a grand, sweeping story that I created my self. I wouldn't have that, if I'd said, "Hmmm... triforce, Hyrule, Ganondorf. Works for me!" I have a unique setting, comprising multiple lands and peoples. I could have just said, "Here's Death Mountain, look there's Spectacle Rock... I need a desert, a Lost Woods, and there, I'm done." I have a very interesting magic system that ties into both the setting and the story, which I wouldn't have if I'd stuck with the triple goddess/triforce/Power-Courage-Wisdom thing. Yes, I have boomerangs. Yes, I have arrows. Yes, I have bombs. Yes, there's landbound cephalopds that shoot projectiles at you. There's enough surface Zelda similarities that anyone can look at it and say, "She was obviously thinking of Zelda when she made this." Even if you're blind or Zelda-deprived, the documentation will say as much. I'm not ashamed to say that Zelda was my inspiration. Instead of trying to start my foundation at Zelda's peak, though, I'm merely trying to learn from the techniques that went into Zelda's foundation when I lay my own. |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Why is the "BYOND elite" so against the BYOND DBZ community and not against the BYOND Final Fantasy community? Er... There is no final Fantasy Focus in my post? I mentioned Final Fantasy because I have often seen questions/descriptions about copying the battle systems of that series. I have not seen any full games. Although, since some people are fearing DBZ games they have not seen in their rants, I included it. Do I fear some swarm of FF games? No. Do I think taking a few aspects means stealing an entire game? No. I admit, the main reason (er... sorry... main reason) was so the creators of DWO wouldn't get upset when I mentioned Dragon Warrior. I wasn't as worried about SF and D&D stuff because those franchises get more press than DW outside of Japan. Less sympathy for the big guys I suppose. Maybe DW just appeals more to the geek in me. *shrug* My point was there are multiple fan games and DBZ gets all of the bad press. |
I wasn't focusing on Final Fantasy, I used it as an example. Take out "Final Fantasy" and insert "[Fan Game X]"... my point is still valid. Standing beside the swarm of DBZ games, there are no other fan games to speak of. It's simply not worth mentioning Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior or any other set of fan games as often as DBZ is mentioned... and saying, "I'd like to make a combat system in the style of Final Fantasy" isn't saying, "im makin a FF gmae plz help." There's a difference between adopting a style and ripping off intellectual property.
Spuzzum wrote:
* "Kewl" should technically be pronounced "kyool" according to standard English pronunciation... but let's see me convince anyone of *that*. ;-) Heh... That's how I pronouce it... cool is cool, kewl is kewler :-) |
KI is real, just not like it is in DBZ. You cant go around shooting beams out of your hand and crap. Its like a spiritual energy that the japenese use to increase thier mental and phsyical abilities. *shrug*