I heard about BYOND one day when I was looking for a system you could customise and tweak to your needs and wants for games, and create neat affects, but not have to learn C++ with a mastery, or anything.

So one day I was searching and I came across a couple of queries that looked good. The first five I tried looked really interesting, but I noted the cost too.

$200.00 to make my own games seemed like an awful big waste of money... So i kept looking, and I found something called BYOND. It looked like a rather stupid name at the time, and I was going to ignore it, but then I got curious.

BYOND was in all capitals, it must be an abbreviation... I guess I'll just check the site for a sec to see what it means.

The name itself brought to mind all sorts of things... Then I thought "Yeah, how much, and what is it like, it's probably just like C++".

So I checked everything out, and to my surprise it was free.

I downloaded and installed immediately, and tried a couple of games. I thought "Wow, that's pretty neat..."

Then someone suggested that I try to make a game with the ideas I had... and thus, I said "Ok." so I read a bunch of tutorials and the such, and made a game, it was originally called "Jessibelle's Chat Room"... For those who didn't know thus far, I'm a girl, heh.

Jessibelle's Chat Room was a success, there were people logging in often enough, and with me getting better at coding and improving it all, it was good.

The average players to logon was 13.

So, I thought "Well... if an idiot like ME can do this, why not try my hand at games?"

I got help from my friend Rcet, and he helped me to start making games, giving me help with code, even supplying me with the copy of some of his own game code.

Thanks to all who helped me in the forums, and wrote their own faqs/guides, etc.
In response to Foomer
Yes, sir. =(
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