
LoadCharacter(var/num){var/savefile/F = new("players/[src.ckey][num].dat");F["name"]>>;src.Slot = num;world << "\red Server Information:<B>[src] the [src.race] has logged</B><font color = green> ON";world << src.Slot;src<<browse(null,Settings);return}

Problem:When i load my character its a black screen and my location doesn't show.
Post the Save proc and try setting the location to something when he loads. Maybe the location is not being saved.
In response to Avainer1
Save(){var/savefile/F1 = new("players/[src.ckey][src.Slot].dat");F1["name"] <<; src<<"\red You have just saved!"}
In response to King-okal
See. You are not saving the usr's loc. So when he logs in, he has no location. That's why he faces a black screen. Make sure that it is being saved.
In response to Avainer1
load = new ("players/[usr.key][num].dat")
load["mob"] >> usr
load["x"] >> usr.x
load["y"] >> usr.y
load["z"] >> usr.z
world << "\red Server Information:<B>[src] the [src.race] has logged</B><font color = green> ON"

Says there isn't a defined varible called num
In response to King-okal
You must define LoadCharacter(var/num) when loading the proc ... ...

In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
You must define LoadCharacter(var/num) when loading the proc ... ...


Why var/num anyway?
Shouldn't it be LoadCharacter(num)? It's an argument after all.
In response to Kccmt
Kccmt wrote:
A.T.H.K wrote:
You must define LoadCharacter(var/num) when loading the proc ... ...


Why var/num anyway?
Shouldn't it be LoadCharacter(num)? It's an argument after all.

I just followed suit of OP
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
Kccmt wrote:
A.T.H.K wrote:
You must define LoadCharacter(var/num) when loading the proc ... ...


Why var/num anyway?
Shouldn't it be LoadCharacter(num)? It's an argument after all.

I just followed suit of OP

Sorry, wasn't intended as a question to you as much as a general one :-)
In response to King-okal
var/savefile/load = new("players/[src.key]\[[slot]].dat")
ASSERT(load) //If savefile does not exists, the proc crashes.
load["mob"] >> src
src.loc = locate(load["x"], load["y"], load["z"])
if(src.loc == locate(0,0,0))src.loc=locate(1,1,1)

world << "\red Server Information:<b>[src] the [src.race] has logged</b> \green ON \red ."
return TRUE //This way will allow you to make a check of type; if(usr.LoadCharacter(1))usr<<"Loaded!";return

That must do the trick, I will also make a save for you;

var/savefile/save = new("players/[src.key]\[[slot]].dat")
save["mob"] << src
save["x"] << src.x
save["y"] << src.y
save["z"] << src.z