var/obj/S = input("Which Sword?","Choose")as null|anything in usr.Swords
It shows anything in swords but how can u make it that if i had 5 swords it would say Swords x5 instead of just Sword
Dec 2 2011, 12:25 pm
var/obj/S = input("Which Sword?","Choose")as null|anything in usr.Swords It shows anything in swords but how can u make it that if i had 5 swords it would say Swords x5 instead of just Sword |
In response to Albro1
Albro1 wrote:
Associative lists. > var/swords_count If an explanation is needed for any of this, just let me know what is confusing you. Why are you using += ? Just use ++ |
In response to A.T.H.K
I know about ++, but I tend to use += 1 for faster and easier readability. It's just my preference. Some people may process ++ better than += 1, but I prefer += 1.
In response to A.T.H.K
Seems trivial.
In response to Speedro
If you are referring to me, and just clicked Reply on the wrong post, then I will say it again to save you the trouble of reading my previous post again.
It is user-preference. I program how I am comfortable programming. Up until lately when I started getting into an "organization phase", I used ++. Since then, however, I have been using += for the sake of my own readability. |
In response to Albro1
Nope. I replied to the right post.
I think it's trivial whether one uses ++ or +=1. It is just preference, like you said. |
In response to Speedro
Alright then.
If an explanation is needed for any of this, just let me know what is confusing you.