None to show
Problem description:
I'm just now playing around with the webclient, as I feel it'll be useful for my next project. I'm trying to connect using (replacing myport with the actual port I have opened), and I get "BYOND Error: failed to certify (null) from, origin localhost:myport from Dream Daemon
I've had a friend try to connect and it's hanging up at 99% download completion and it then spits the same error at me.
My ports are open. Connections can be received when made using Dream Seeker.
Any help would be appreciated.
screenshot: (blanked out the IP addresses and port information)
That should allow you to bypass the error until the webclient is fixed. It's not ideal, but I'm sure you can partly automate the process.
I have a kind of webclient launcher that's supposed to make it easier to do this, but it's not yet complete. It works as a sort of mod for the webclient. If you place a file named something like "!!!!!!!( redirect )!!!!!!!.js" in "[installed_programs_location]\BYOND\web", this will be loaded before almost everything else. Then you can use MutationObserver to gain full control over when and how the webclient loads. From there you can setup a URL redirection system that includes a popup window containing the BYOND home page and another one with a button to continue to the actual webclient. The following code can help you get started:
If you know JavaScript, that should be enough to help you get started. The second part of webclientBypass() (not shown) adds an event listener to "load", where the entire HTML document is effectively replaced with a custom one. That's what those arguments are for.