So, I've made a world with the icon size at 16x16. The view is `6x6, which leads 96px in both length and width. I've made a HUD icon in this dimension and was wondering how I could place it on the screen. I've been gone from byond for so long I've forgotten how to do this :x.

Thanks in advance~
First you define the HUD object and its screen_loc, then you add it to client's screen.

icon = 'N.dmi'
screen_loc = "9,8" // Look in the Reference if you need help with this one

var/obj/HuD1 = new /obj/LetterN // Define the object
src.client.screen += HuD1 // Add it to client's screen
In response to Hashir
Hashir wrote:
First you define the HUD object and its screen_loc, then you add it to client's screen.

> obj/LetterN
> icon = 'N.dmi'
> screen_loc = "9,8" // Look in the Reference if you need help with this one
> mob/Login()
> ..()
> var/obj/HuD1 = new /obj/LetterN // Define the object
> src.client.screen += HuD1 // Add it to client's screen

Aha, had to change the screen_loc, but that worked. Thanks for the swift reply :D
In response to I hate trees
You are Welcome.