I recently had a bunch of objects on my map that could've been turfs (and it reduced the amount of time it took to start the game up greatly) -BUT- the objs were ontop of undense turfs, and for some reason, it merged the turfs (gives one turf the icon of the other, keeps its density) when I turned the objs into turfs (at runtime it does this)
So I have a turf that LOOKS like it's trees, but when I check its icon/icon_state at runtime, it's still grass (so the visual appearance is different from it's actual icon/image settings)
And now my only solution is to manually remove all the turfs from under the trees (Because I have tried making them dense at runtime via the New proc, doesn't work, because the grass turfs is just the regular /turf type, and by doing that the game never boots up because it checks -every single turf-, since it's the parent of all turfs)
Is there any solution?
Jun 12 2011, 3:50 pm
Jun 14 2011, 10:18 am
Did you try to redefine the object as a turf, then when the map compiler complains about missing objects point it at the newly defined turf..? I'm not sure I understand your problem. What do you mean 'turned the objs into turfs (at runtime it does this)'?