Hi, how do we specify that when you drag an item to your inventory it gets moved?

I got to this part
MouseDrop(over_object=src,src_location,over_location, src_control,over_control,params)
if(over_location == "info")

Obviously Info is the stat tabs of my skin. But how do I specify that when it is only when you drag it to your inventory tab can it be added?
Read the reference entry again. over_control will be the name of the control ("info", if you named it that). over_location will hold the name of the specific tab in the info control.
In response to DarkCampainger
Oh I see. Another question, how would we specify the control if the window is connected through a child?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
Because of the way panes work, I wouldn't expect being within a child would affect it. However, the fastest way to find out is to test it! See what values it outputs as you drop your items in different areas.
In response to DarkCampainger
Oh okay. Thanks then!
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
I belive you can use winget and then winset to put it in a child.
In response to Tobirachi
Sir, please research the BYOND 4.0 interface further. winget() and winset() will not achieve this.
Here's a quick break-down of the different mouse function parameters

src - The atom on which the mouse function occurs
usr - The mob of the client using the mouse function
over_object - The atom the cursor is over
src_location - The location of src
over_location - The location of over_object src_control - The interface element in which the function began
over_control - The interface element the cursor is over
params - various extra parameters, such and control, shift, and alt being held, and right, left, and middle click.